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Everything posted by MechaGodzilla

  1. MechaGodzilla

    Spawn anywhere

    I've run into plenty of survivors inland...
  2. MechaGodzilla

    DayZ Update 1.5.3

    Understood, thanks guys :D
  3. MechaGodzilla

    DayZ Update 1.5.3

    Perhaps a stupid thing to ask but can somebody tell me more about these 'monkey' zombies?
  4. MechaGodzilla

    After playing the game I have a few suggestions.

    These are all solid ideas and I'm having a hard time finding something I disagree with. Originally I was against any kind of revival mechanism but after reading this I think I could live with that. I love the poison water and purification idea. Deaths due to poison I'm debating on whether that should count towards your murder score. One the one hand somebody did kill somebody, but it's more like a trap rather than a trigger.
  5. MechaGodzilla

    When i try to join a server

    http://www.armafiles.info/dayz/ extract the dayz.vehicles dayz.weapons dayz.code rars into your addons folder.
  6. MechaGodzilla

    Big list of tips. Share yours.

    Avoid areas with high density populations like Elek or Chern. It may be tempting to get fast loot but be wary that many Pkers know this as well and know you're going for it. Always use cover and make small movements when exploring a city. You never know who's watching and minimizing your movement increases your chances of not getting noticed. Sometimes it's better to shoot first and ask questions later. If you feel you're being threatened by another player take them out before they take you out.
  7. MechaGodzilla

    DayZ screenshot competition

    Blank Slate and New Beginnings, Read for Adventure. Scouting Out Berezino Link To Current DayZ Album
  8. MechaGodzilla

    Well I had a terrible idea

    There's plenty of good stuff elsewhere. You don't have to go to Elek or Chern for gear. Learn your map, learn your towns, and survive.
  9. MechaGodzilla

    92 kills in 1h55m...... wtf

    Sounds pretty doable to me if you just stick to the coast.
  10. MechaGodzilla

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Because there's been so many open world survival/zombie games to draw experience from.
  11. MechaGodzilla

    DayZ Stories

    It was me and three mates just wandering around the countryside near Zelen. We were looking for supplies in a long warehouse looking thing, killing Z's as we progressed. After a fruitless quest through the warehouse we noticed a barn nearby so we decided to check it out. As we approached we destroyed any Z's we saw nearby. Once at the entrance of the barn we noticed a lone stranger in one of the haylofts. We clearly outnumber this man but we're friendly people. His gun is raised and is aimed at one of my buds. We demand he lower his gun and ask if he is friendly. No response, we ask again. In the middle of the second request I just felt I couldn't take the risk and put a slug in between his eyes. He doesn't die immediately, he just falls and is incapacitated. As he bleeds out we discuss what to do... "Can we save him?" "Should we?" "What should we do?" We still have no idea what this persons intentions were as we never got any sort of response. As one of my mates begins to bandage this guy up a rift forms in my squad. "Lets just end it." The bandages being wrapped around this barely surviving person couldn't help what happened next. As he lays there no longer bleeding but still incapacitated our navigator takes out his revolver and loads it. He walks, slowly, to the near dead man. He whispers... "I'm sorry." -BANG- A single bullet escaped the barrel of the weapon and entered the nameless strangers skull. It was our first collective murder. He never fired a shot but to me it just seems like he was contemplating it. He was acting like a person who would've shot if he wasn't outnumbered. Does that justify taking him out? Maybe... probably not though, but that's how things are in the harsh world of Chern... You have to survive. He was a risk and we eliminated it.
  12. MechaGodzilla

    Bandit changing

    No idea but now I really want to hop on fr2. If it's true what you say then I'm impressed despite not being a bandit myself (although I often err on the side of shoot first ask questions later)
  13. MechaGodzilla

    Coop Server

    I'm down for a co-op server but I'd never play on it. I have a problem with people going to a no-pvp server, getting gear, then switching over. I better solution to limiting spawn killing is just increasing the number of spawn points across the entire coast. If you spread out the population and make it less dense then it's more likely you won't have the 24/7 killfest chern and elek are. People who complain about PvP all the damn time make me question their intelligence. It's not hard to spawn and move inland, just gear up somewhere else and avoid PvP hotspots. Use cover, travel in packs, avoid open areas... these are common sense things. Eventually you will die sure, everyone does though. But there are plenty of ways of minimizing your risk of doing so to PvP. As for the co-op server... I give it the green light so long as either characters are not transferable or the 'good' loot is severally limited and they greatly increase the number and/or strength of zombies.
  14. MechaGodzilla

    Pull up a sandbag! Its story time!

    It was me and three mates just wandering around the countryside near Zelen. We were looking for supplies in a long warehouse looking thing, killing Z's as we progressed. After a fruitless quest through the warehouse we noticed a barn nearby so we decided to check it out. As we approached we destroyed any Z's we saw nearby. Once at the entrance of the barn we noticed a lone stranger in one of the haylofts. We clearly outnumber this man but we're friendly people. His gun is raised and is aimed at one of my buds. We demand he lower his gun and ask if he is friendly. No response, we ask again. In the middle of the second request I just felt I couldn't take the risk and put a slug in between his eyes. He doesn't die immediately, he just falls and is incapacitated. As he bleeds out we discuss what to do... "Can we save him?" "Should we?" "What should we do?" We still have no idea what this persons intentions were as we never got any sort of response. As one of my mates begins to bandage this guy up a rift forms in my squad. "Lets just end it." The bandages being wrapped around this barely surviving person couldn't help what happened next. As he lays there no longer bleeding but still incapacitated our navigator takes out his revolver and loads it. He walks, slowly, to the near dead man. He whispers... "I'm sorry." -BANG- A single bullet escaped the barrel of the weapon and entered the nameless strangers skull. It was our first collective murder. He never fired a shot but to me it just seems like he was contemplating it. He was asking like a person who would've shot if he wasn't outnumbered. Does that justify taking him out? Maybe... probably not though, but that's how things our in the harsh world of Chern... You have to survive. He was a risk and eliminated it.
  15. MechaGodzilla

    Offering Graphics (fo free)

    Can you do one for [THEM] Group please? We'd like something like a viking locked in fierce combat with the undead behind the Norway flag. That would be most appreciated.