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About Yukkimura

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  1. Yukkimura

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Yea right and your next excuse will be "It was a scheduled auto-restart" even though you don't have auto-restarts set up. Video evidence does not lie :P
  2. Yukkimura

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    See what I mean by a "vulgar admin"? Can't kill somebody when they abort after being shot.
  3. Yukkimura

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Tell that to Wesley (One of 1040 head admins) who has been stalking me for a couple of days now, despite me changing my name multiple times. When asked why and how he said "I've got your GUID and IP and I do it because I can". Perhaps he's using something else than DayZ Commander.
  4. Yukkimura

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Been there done that. Found a camp with pretty much all the vehicles (Except 2 bikes, 1 bus and the white off-road which I had at that time) on GB #500 UK Met, killed all people in their camp and waited for restart (as I knew it would happen due to me killing the whole clan running that server). Then once the server went back up I stole their chopper, hid it in a safe spot and haven't played there since then. Back on topic, I would love to raid that camp but seeing as they track me by my GUID/IP using DayZ commander, I would probably be kicked upon entering the server.
  5. Yukkimura

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    With all due respect, I do not accuse anyone of hacking. I simply stated that he used to be one but got banned and re-bought the game (as he said it himself on TS3 when I firstly joined).
  6. Yukkimura

    New (Friendly) Survivor Group

    First kick was apparently due to too high ping even though my ping never spiked over 110. Although if you keep watching the video you'll see that I received another kick straight after rejoining the server. Admin doesn't have to be on the server to issue kicks and bans although "Wesley" which was present on the server is one of the head admins.
  7. Yukkimura

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    Age: 19 Ingame Name: Yukkimura TZ and Country: GMT/UTC +1 England (Although my nationality is Polish). Are you willing to use TS3: Definitely. Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Aye. What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ): I consider myself a very good pilot and marksman. If the first shot misses, the second one will definitely hit. I specialize at medium to long range combat and patience is one of my strong points. (If I set my eyes on the prey and it flees into a building I don't mind waiting for hours untill it sticks its head out). I also have alot of military sim experience (Started playing military sims at age of 13 or so and my first military shooter ever was the first Operation Flashpoint). If required I can also attempt to infiltrate/sabotage hostile clans/groups. What type of role would best suit you: PDM (Permanently Designated Marksman) and a pilot.
  8. Yukkimura

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Admin abusing his powers, very rude and offensive, and on top of that a former hacker. (Ye he got banned for hacking on his other account) Seems like a nice server doesn't it? :P
  9. Yukkimura

    New (Friendly) Survivor Group

    As promised: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVly2KA_Yn4
  10. Yukkimura

    New (Friendly) Survivor Group

    Once I get some sleep I'll edit/compile the 5 hours of footage that I have from the day everything happened, featuring all the In-Game Server kicks. Including the one with fake message that my ping was too high (its hilarious since my ping never went above 110 and it's all on the video). Just on the side note: When I joined your group I had a range finder, NVGs an L85 AWS, AS50 so please cut that crap about gearing me up also that "COD series sale" comment was unnecessary and vulgar.
  11. Yukkimura

    New (Friendly) Survivor Group

    Not as awesome as he makes it sound. Server's infested with power abusing admins. Raiding a camp or infiltrating their group results in a kick and angry battleye private messages.. Right now I'm discussing with a friend if I should or should not upload a video of the whole incident.
  12. Our squad's been chilling out at our campsite, messing around and talking while one of us noticed that we've run completly dry on SVD and M9 SD ammo. At that moment we realized what has to be done, we had to ride the NW Airfield. Using real life tactics we've split our 6 man squad into 2 groups, a close quarters group equiped with silenced M4s and G17s as well as a sniper group composed of 1 sniper, 1 spotter and a marksman equiped with silenced m4 to watch our backs and pick off any zombies that could pose a threat to us. A while after entering the airfield our close quarters group came under fire from a hostile sniper, thankfuly he was a bad shot and did not score a single hit. But few of them almost made a contact. Our close quarters group had to extract while we covered their backs... what happens next can be seen in the video below. This video shows the great penetration power of a .50 sniper rifle.
  13. Yukkimura

    [Video] How did these guys not die?

    I seem to have this problem with L85 as well,I believe that the damage on this weapon is way off as most of the time you need to hit the person 10+ times before it finally drops.
  14. Yukkimura

    DayZ Public TeamSpeak (512 slots)

    Come on hunter babe, give us the ETA. We're all pumped up XD
  15. Yukkimura

    US 1040 MIA

    No idea what's going on Pegz, me and Purified have been checking if the server, website and TS3 are up every 10 mins or so for past 3 hours with no success. Hopefuly it'll come back up soon. For now everyone playing on US 1040 is welcome to join {TGC} TS3 untill this community TS3/Server is up. {TGC} TS3 info IP : ts100.light-speed.com:3729