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About SinfulWun

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Server was updated last night.
  2. Haha, I guess this is the result of me being sick and not logging in this weekend and mentioning the slow business in teamspeak.
  3. Having a great time on this server, few of the clans on here are really intense though. Couple of friendly's hanging out in the south, and lots of people only interested in killing zombies, Some of the clans even leave those people alone. Listened to a massive battle over a chopper on Rog yesterday, 3 clans went in, 2 worked together. one got annihilated. The spoils were a Chopper, a White pickup, a White UAZ, a Yellow car. Losses were 5 players lives, a white pickup, and a Black SUV. Was really fun listening in while I was stealing a car from someone else s camp on the other side of the map that I later gave to a small clan who didn't have one yet.
  4. My friend and I had it happen to us today =(
  5. SinfulWun

    Why this mod is failing

    After reading all of the posts in this thread I can understand where Op and most of the other posts are coming from. I personally don't have a problem with bandits, when I play alone I do fine to avoid people. The issue comes in when I try to play with friends, not all of my friends are "hardcore" gamers who have put thousands of hours into every half assed re-skinned first person shooter or had military training or understand the concept of hide, I see several posts saying "this is a sandbox game it is what you make it." the truth is the game isn't what you make it when someone else comes along to kill you, or lays in a field somewhere for hours just to snipe unsuspecting passer-by who is trying to improve at the game. If the game was really "what you make it" there would be an option for PVP disabled servers which I am sure would fill up quicker than servers full of pvp'ers. Like I said, I don't mind bandits, getting killed gives me something else to do, I get to find crap all over again, but personally If it was even possible to play this game the way i want and make it what I want, I would play with two rotating styles, One being to kill as many zombies as possible, the other is to play as a medic. Seriously though, have any of you tried to run up to another player while not even carrying a gun offering to give them blood transfusions? Usually it just ends with you getting shot in the face and them taking the medical supplies. TL;DR - The game isn't what you make it, it's what other people make it. One person can't not get shot by bandits just because he doesn't want to play that way.