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About Mrwidz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Mrwidz

    Until duping is fixed...

    Don't you think that these guys in the ghillie suits have actually saved up their gear over a long while? I admit hacking and duping must be stopped, but assuming that every player in a ghillie has hacked them in is bogus. And think about it, unless the gun despawns on the guys body when he dies, then the gun will survive to be used by someone else, while more guns are being spawned at heli crashes for more people. So over time the frequency of high end gear will probably go up, but that's a disadvantage of the whole spawning guns idea in the first place.
  2. Mrwidz

    White Flag? Ceasefire? (Stop KoS)

    KoS is a flaw in human nature, not the game. You see, there are two main main emotions when running into a player. Survival "I have to kill him before he gets a chance to kill me" and greed, wanting to advance in the game "I've seen this guy first, I could call him out as friendly, but I want his stuff" to get better gear, once again increasing the chance of survival for the party that comes out on top. Basically there is nothing to earn from not killing the other player on sight, (gear wise) but some people believe (Myself included) that comradeship is far more important than a shiny new gun. TL;DR people probably value your stuff more than your help.
  3. Mrwidz

    Why this mod is failing

    Jeez, banditry doesn't ruin the game, it MAKES the game! If it was PvE then there would literally be nothing to do. At times when raiding the NWAF I almost forget about the zombies due to the tension of thinking if i'm in some bugger's scope! Bandits make the game worth playing imo. And there's plenty to do when you're kitted out, (especially when in a group) like looking for admin camps, VEHICLES, just having a complete whale of a time at about 2am in the morning wasting a load of ammo and flares lighting the NWAF up... dude, the game is what you make it. If you're skyped and looking for a squad pm me and you can join my group if you like.