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About Lacyway

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  1. There's a lot of things I forgot to mention. Some of my friends have a lot worse PCs than I do, but they can still run it at stable frames even in cities, I as an eyewitness can confirm it too. It was around 50 frames, which I am never even near when in a city.
  2. Now when you mention it, our server we play a lot on restarts every night at 12 GMT+2, and it still happens even though we join right after. Could it still be the server? If so then I'll have to live with it...
  3. I've tried without them, yes. I forgot to say that I removed -winxp last night, it was from my notepad document and I forgot to remove it there. Sorry! The -noPause improved my alt-tabbing quite a bit, and there's no slowdown at all as far as I can tell but I'll remove it too. I really want to smooth the FPS out : /
  4. It does not, the screen is not shaking like when you need them. I know what you meant and there is no harm in suggesting anything, thanks though. I've also tried changing server several times, and the FPS actually resets sometimes if I disconnect and reconnect, but then it takes around 20 minutes and it goes down again. I'm not sure if it's my PC or the game, or if those parameters would fix it. I'm also running the game at the lowest (!) settings, even shadows disabled.
  5. When I join a new server my FPS is ~50, sometimes lower. But after an hour or two the FPS is below 30 all the time and it stutters so much it's almost unplayable. I've tried lots of startup parameters, but they don't seem to work at all since after I put -world=chernarus it does not load the map at the main menu, is this feature disabled in DayZ or are they not loading? Here's my parameters: -skipIntro -noPause -winxp -high -world=Chernarus -nosplash -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 In the normal ARMA 2 I have a stable 60 FPS without problems, has anyone at all been able to run the game at smooth FPS or is it because of the alpha? Speccs: GTX 460 1GB Intel i7 3770k @ 3,5GHz 8GB RAM @ 1600MHz Normal HDD, no SDD I really can't play like this because the stuttering kills me (literally!). I can't aim at all! I've also checked the temperatures and the CPU is at 45 degrees celsius at high load and the GPU is at around 50, so they are not overheating. I've also tried Six Launcher (which is... really strange ang buggy), DayZ commander, making an .bat file and running with the normal .exe. Anyone has some suggestions? EDIT: Forgot to say that I've disabled hyperthreading, turbo boost and some other things they said slowed down the game.
  6. Lacyway

    No more copying to your OA folder

    I had to open the CMD to do this, but it worked! Thanks a lot.
  7. I'm 17 as well, I meant more the way you act. 30 year olds can still rage and whine and teamkill people. I mean, I've played with 12 year olds who both play better and act more maturely than people that are 22. EDIT: So basically what I mean is play seriously, do your best to communicate and that stuff. Everytime I teamed up with random people it all went to hell and he either killed me later on and went "lol" or he runs around like a fool in Cherno getting killed.
  8. Great, add me as well if I havn't added ya already: timpalimpa4
  9. Just reinstalled my computer and decided to play some DayZ again. My character is brand new, and I'm looking for mature players to play mostly during nighttime (UTC+01:00). Tell me your Skype or/and Steam ID so we can talk, you don't have to be good but I hate running around all alone. If there's any questions feel free to ask.