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About Glitterglen

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Glitterglen

    RGO frag grenade = legitimate loot?

    I tried to fix up a UAZ at its spawn for a few server restarts. It always spawned with 30 AK mags, 10 SVD mags, 10 RGO grenades and some beans. Yum.
  2. Glitterglen

    Is Morphine rare or what v

    Don't forget about the hospital roof aswell, usually 4-5 boxes up there aswell.
  3. It sucks that a server host can be so negligent towards their customers, I mean it took you guys almost a full day before you got a friggin reply from them? Nevertheless, as soon as the server is up, we'll all have a blast once again! So for the players that call FR191 their home, just hang in there and be patient, once the server is upp, we'll all have a blast once again!
  4. It should be back up any second now! Freshly reset (no tents from before and all new vehicles) !
  5. Ah damn, at least you got to fly the damned thing for a while ;) And I really recommend this server, had a blast for the past few days!
  6. Did you just Alt+F4 on me? Was moving over to a vehicle spawn where I had a run in with two people in a bus at earlier, when a sniper takes a shot at me. I zig-zag over the field into some bushes when I spot him, empty my mag towards him and see [sTH] smKes was killed. Now I understand if the person wasn't you or a bug occured, but if not, being an admin and Alt+f4ing out of deaths is not a way to get your server well respected. / [PIMS]Angelo
  7. Glitterglen

    LF Swedish Teams

    Är lätt på, jag och 2 andra polare brukar lira men har blivit lite segt då man oftast blir utmanövrerade av bigass bandit grupper. Skype : nezoril Steam : nezoril1
  8. Glitterglen

    Stuck with version 1.62

    I found out why It only said 1.62 for me... After trying a few fixes for beta patches etc, I checked on my SixLauncher and found that I'd been trying to run Arma2 Vanilla (It usually starts up as DayZ for me) So make sure you're running DayZ and not Arma2 Vanilla from the launcher, it fixed my version problem!
  9. Glitterglen

    Stuck with version 1.62

    Same thing here, can do jack shit as of now.... Trying to update it manually with no success so far.