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About MrBlue21

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  1. MrBlue21

    Poor Performance

    Using the program in the Reddit link, DataRam's RAMDISK (just use the free version). I set up 4GB of my ram for my computer hold some of the most used textures. When the PC boots up it copies a disk image of the files into the RAM disk and you good to go, (re-loads every time you boot your PC, not permanent.) There are symbolic links to the RAM disk from where the files used to be so Arma doesn't know the difference. The read/write speed is CRAZY because it's your RAM. Best thing the RAM drive improved was a little FPS (5-10) but NO MORE ZOOM LAG!!! So nice. Also try turning off ATOC (tree detail) and antializing (sp?) I just use Anistrpoic Filtering at High to clean up the image. Also "Post Processing Effect" Should be OFF or Very Low if you pc is no up to snuff. Also Video Memory set to "DEFAULT", as high will actually use less video ram. PM me your config files if you like and I'll take a look.
  2. MrBlue21

    Poor Performance

    Ok Here we go again. Search does wonders you know. Here are some tips so I'm not just posting and saying use search. :P One thing I did that helped no joke was a good defrag. Arma is as hard on your cpu and HD as it is on your video card. I see you have a Phenom x2 same as me. (Poor us) I suggest a good defrag program like "Ultimate Defrag" as you can select you Arma directory and move it to the outside of the platter, speeding up read times quite a bit. http://www.disktrix.com/ Second I suggest creating a ram drive to move as much of the heavily used files to it, big increase in speed B) With only 4G of ram you might not fit much on it though. (I upgraded to 8G just to do this step for DayZ, ram is sooo cheap.) Link to Ram disk guide: http://www.reddit.co...sk_information/ Try turning VSync of as the video card will no longer wait for the refresh rate. You'll get less slowdown but might see some screen tearing. Next, NO STEAM! I suggest using a good Arma launcher if you comfortable installing updates to Arma/DayZ. Here is a good one. Useful to Launch with custom setting and easy to turn Mods on and off. :thumbsup: http://www.armaholic...age.php?id=8241 There are sooooo many tips to optimizing Arma. Do not expect all or any or these tips to help. All I can say is that I have a similar PC and I get around 30-40 FPS. Can you post your video settings? Maybe that will shed some more light on the problem. Good luck! :beans:
  3. Camn't type sti;; laughiiiiing :lol:
  4. You player is tied to you cd key, so yes even if you install two instance of the same game you will be playing with the same character. All info for you character is saved to the central server (HIVE) and your gear/location would remain the same as long as you play with the same cd key, even if you change the computer your using. :-) Hope that helps.
  5. The publish min and recommended setting for almost all games. Pretty easy to read and check. Since you graphics card can provide, and I quote, "Lush images with intricate detail" you should be fine :lol:
  6. Try taking a pain killer :-)
  7. MrBlue21

    [Forum] Tapatalk!

    While tapatalk is nice, I got it to read THESE forums and now it doesn't work???? I say good sir, very poor form indeed. <_< EDIT: Thanks for the update, good to know it will be back soon.
  8. MrBlue21

    spawned in novy sobor. bug?

    Samething happened to me, but I got out through the wall facing the curch. Too bad I was trying to meet someone one the coast :-)
  9. MrBlue21

    Someone Play DayZ With Me!

    I would suggest editing your email out of your post "ieatpandacookies" and send users PMs (private messages) to exchange personal info. :-) Also I sent you a PM with my steam name if you want to add me then cool. I play in the EST (-5hrs).
  10. I sent you a friend request on steam. I'm also looking for a good casual group to get together with. I live in the EST zone and start playing around 11pm. Mature player and father, gaming since my Apple Zenith clone. If anybody reading this also is looking to group up and are online after 11pm, feel free to add me as well. Mature players with mic of course. Steam: MrBlue21 IGN: MrBlue21
  11. MrBlue21

    I need friends... lol

    Wow 6 to 7 hours a day and you call that a bit??? :P I play from 11 EST until I'm tired, if that matches you play times send me a private msg Wakanoid. Always ready to help a noob find some beans.
  12. MrBlue21

    Any easy way to change the FoV?

    Here you go :-) This sure "widened" my eyes to the ways of FOV settings, ha ha punny eh. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/ug6wu/how_to_adjust_your_fov_aka_how_to_cure_arma2/ I used the link and have loved the results. In fact, I must say I love the level of tweaking and cfg files I have to go through to get the most out of Arma 2, just like in the old days of gaming. Ps did you know Arma 2 (as of beta 89223) now supports SMAA? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/arma2.cfg http://www.iryoku.com/smaa/#abstract Hope this helps and pass it on :idea:
  13. Thanks a bunch eh, looking forward to meeting some more canucks. :cool:
  14. That's right another beta patch for Arma 2 OA is out. Change Log: [93156] Changed: increased gear MP messages priority http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php