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Everything posted by wrongsuasage

  1. Just want to offer up my experience so far as a new player. I installed the game tonight- so this new zombie thing is the only experience I have had so far. Every game I played was set up for night time and even as a new ARMA2 player I managed to figure out the basics pretty quick. I died a good 10 times and probably didn't last for more than 10 minutes each time tops. So as a new player im feeling a bit overwhelmed- but this is basically a zombie simulator, so you are on the right track. I was genuinely freaked the fuck out when I was chilling in the grass using the sky to silhouette my surroundings when I could HEAR a zombie getting really close but couldn't see shit. Popped a flare to see 1 crawling towards me in prone. Im sure I can adapt to survive and start treating this much more like a stealth game... only a real stealth simulator isn't that much fun. My suggestion would be to maybe have smaller settlements spawn different amounts. Some towns are crawling. Some are barely populated and maybe bring the amount of zombies down just a touch.