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Posts posted by vtcramennoodle

  1. Hey, I'm 16 and I'm coming over to the bandit side of the game now that I know what I'm doing. I'm just looking for anyone or a group to go around and kill everyone because I just cant get over the trill of killing people. My gear isn't that great right now cuz I only have some med supplies and a shotgun with some slugs. Later I will be going and looking for a sniper or at least a scoped rifle. But, anyway I'm looking for some people to group up with and gear up and just go have some fun killing if you are interested please leave your skype name if you want to know anything else about me just ask.

  2. I have been playing dayz for a little while now and decided I want to take the bandit route. However I am looking for some people to play with and help me out as I am not the best at being a bandit. I am just looking for some people to group up with and have some fun like gearing up, sniping, and just what ever we feel like doing. please have a skype or some way of me contacting you and leave a response to this thread.
