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unSeen 1

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Everything posted by unSeen 1

  1. unSeen 1

    How to kill people stealthy.

    im all for being stealthy and tactical to take out people, but you're just a fucking faggot. When you fuck someone over who's sincere and trying to help... grow up.
  2. unSeen 1

    Your "hidden" camps.

    middle of NWA = bait... dumbass.
  3. unSeen 1

    2 new gun suggestions

    so basically another ironsight LMG and an ak74u clone...
  4. I was in US 303 Dallas for a few days and me and my friend got really far and worked really hard. We found a tractor and a heli crash. we parked the tractor off map (which had a LOT of food and drinks +3 nvg's) and when we came back it was gone. then we found a white off road and a lot of jerry cans etc... then we found a bus. I was in the bus and my friend was in the truck on the other side of the map. the server all of a sudden went to night time. he hit the map key, and then went back and it showed up with the you are dead screen. He had a M249 with ammo and a tent + food medical supplies etc with the truck. I was north of quarry and south of berezino driving. my friend respawns and not 10 seconds after gets run over by a SUV (hacked item). the guy driving it "Escalade Guy". (keep in mind he was near kamenka.) I'm still driving south of berezino and about a minute late i see the same black suv that killed my friend and we hit head on. Keep in mind im in a fucking bus and he's in a small suv. we're both going full speed. somehow i get knocked unconscious and my character exits the bus and as it spawns right outside of it, the guy gets out of his suv and shoots me to death. I lost a FN fal with ammo, food meds map nvgm1014 + ammo etc.. the whole 9 yards. outraged, i respawn and spawn in elektro.about 30 seconds in i see a bus coming at me and i cant get out of the way in time and he runs me over. From my last death to this death, it was about 2 minutes. and he hit me while driving east, not west. I respawn in kamenka, and what do you know? 20 secs in a guy in a UAZ charges me and tries to run me over. I dodge him about 7 times but he finally gets me.(managed to scroll wheel over the car while he was driving by and save it, so it might be there when the server resets.) i respawn again and spawn in solinchiny or whatever. I run north for 15 minutes or so and see my dead body there next to the SUV which is undrivable (no option upon scroll wheel) I pick up my items and go prone against the car, in the grass, while its pitch dark and alt + tab out to tell my friend in skype that i got my items back (I didn't exit right away in fear that it might be lagging) I was off of the game for about 8 seconds. i go back into the game and it shows me the "you are dead screen" this is fucking ridiculous. TL;DR REPORT Escalade Guy AND HOW DO I REPORT HIM?
  5. i'd say bike. you can store stuff in it. fuel is a minor nuisance.
  6. I posted a thread/reply to me wanting to trade a ghillie for nvg's, and some other dude saw the post and Skype'd me about it. I told him I agreed when he invited me to the call, and noticed he had 3 other people in the call and I said I'm guessing these are your friends providing you sniper support. They laughed and were like "I like this guy." Long story short, we got to talking and they said I could just play with them and I offered to give them my ghillie suits, and I also found an AS50 TWS +nvg rangefinder + gps along the way, and grab my mk 48 mod 0. Later on which they wanted to dupe the TWS for all of them, so I said sure that's fine I guess. After 3 days of talking to them and playing solo, I finally made the journey from thee hills valley to my camp east of kamenka, and then back to elektro. By the time I made it back, they (apparently already knew him?) found a hacker and he spawned them everything, but he couldn't spawn the AS50 TWS, which is what they really wanted. So I run over to them, and we're sitting on the hill sniping.. we hadn't duped the AS50 yet, and I don't even know how. The hacker says theres another hacker on the hill we're on and says he's invisible and says he died. (He never died.) Then the "other hacker" kills me. A minute later they tell me they're switching servers and we head to US 663, but US 663 doesn't exist. So while I'm sitting there for 15 minutes trying to join US 663 and I say "can't find it, not there" etc... then out of the blue the 4 clan members + the hacker unfriend me all at the same time on skype, and one of them removes me from the call -- all of them stopped responding to me. TL;DR, They gained my trust for 3 days, I ran 20km for them, ended up "joining" their clan, and they kill me for my AS50 TWS to dupe, and act as if they didn't do it, then all remove me as a contact/from the call. yeah, I'm bitching.
  7. unSeen 1

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thanks to Eric21 for healing me -- really patient and nice
  8. unSeen 1

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    since your'e northeast, could you give me a transfusion?? I have svd mags and 2 cars. I can spare one.
  9. unSeen 1

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm in Berenzino with like 2000 blood :/ I need a blood transfusion badly and I can give you whatever i can spare. skype is soevanwasallike or just pm me
  10. unSeen 1

    need help im not a F*cking bandit...

    weird. right after i read this my humanity went from 250 to -16k after switching servers
  11. yeah, I know damn well that meeting up with people I don't know that theres a huge chance of getting killed. It's just that I let my guard down after they didn't kill me initially. I KNOW not everyone is like that, some people are true to their word. I was just trusting/hoping they would be like that, and honestly there was no reason to kill me other than well... just to kill me. I'm more mad about that my time and effort was wasted as opposed to me just losing all my stuff. that was just the icing on the cake. also i like you for using the word snakes lol
  12. "lulz welcum 2 da reel wurld" no fucking shit. my point is the assholes let me run 20km and give them my shit just so they could betray me. If they wanted to they could've just fucking killed me beforehand and not made me waste time. I play solo and my best friend stopped playing with me, so I was looking for someone to play with and have fun. Its one thing to betray a stranger, but to act like their friend for 3 days and then do that? I made a "friend" on dayz who I don't particularly like enough to play with him, and my best friend knew that. My best friend was up at NEA bleeding out with a bandage and we asked him if he could go up to NEA and bandage him. He said he would and I thanked him because I couldn't. Later, my best friend messages me (he's a dick sometimes, but I talk some morals into him.. or at least try.) and he tells me that he hates the kid and as soon as he bandages him he's going to kill him. I told him no and that would be unusually cruel. I'm down for being a dick once in a while, but not to that extent. That's my point, and MuchHigher got it right. It's very easy for you to sit back and say "lol git used 2 it qq," but if it happened to you I'll bet you'd be equally as mad. And the thing about the hacker; usually I'm extremely anti-hacker, and I've never cheated online nor affiliated with them. I guess this was a first.in fact I played a game called MGO, if any of you are familiar with it, for 3 years, which was tormented by 20% of the community being glitchers, and others DDoSing servers/IP's every single night for hours. After MGO went offline I wanted something to replace it, and DayZ seemed like a suitable option. The fact is, this game just isn't as fun at full value when solo, that's why I stayed with them. I still got my stuff legit, they just didn't. Supposedly the hacker was a 1 time thing anyways.
  13. unSeen 1

    HOW TO: Coast Spawn...

    thanks :o i kept getting fucked over by the coast spawn, don't you still get teleported if you log onto a server version that's more current than yours? cause I believe i got teleported recently by logging onto a server
  14. unSeen 1

    u guis r suk at deyzee

    This is the Jabba DayZ. Now we just need nSk.
  15. lol at duping hacked guns... smfh
  16. unSeen 1

    Want to die? Come to Stary Sobor!

    you know, I don't like people like you. You act like you could spawn in fresh and get those kind of weapons within an hour. Quit being cocky and mind your own business.
  17. unSeen 1

    Ghillie suit for NVG's?

    I'll trade you a ghillie for nvg's. add my skype soevanwasallike.The closer southwest you can meet me the better.
  18. unSeen 1

    Trading AS50s and ghillie suits

    That's what backup is for. I have a lot of these so I really have no reason to kill them to get it back. As for them, they could kill me, sure. However, don't you think I'd take steps to ensure my own safety, too?
  19. unSeen 1

    Trading AS50s and ghillie suits

    OH, and the thing I'm looking for the most: a vehicle. I have a lot of ghillies and a decent amount of as50s and some other guns (mk 48 mod 0 for example)
  20. unSeen 1

    Trading AS50s and ghillie suits

    I want NVG's, GPS, Rangefinder, and my non-sniper gun of choice would be a L85A2 AWS probably. If you're serious, add my skype soevanwasallike. I've never done a trade before, so I'll let the terms be up to you as long as I agree.
  21. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand google translator.
  22. The point is you're not supposed to get butt hurt. You've got a lot to learn.
  23. ... you fucking realize you showed your age by going berserk, right? The whole point of them making fun of you was to prove yourself, not get butt-hurt because its true.