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unSeen 1

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Everything posted by unSeen 1

  1. unSeen 1

    Hackers instant repairing now?

    im pretty sure if you're a hacker you wouldn't waste time for repairing your vehicle. you'd just spawn another one. thats my take though
  2. unSeen 1

    Thanks for the help, sniper on US #00

    i think #00 was the same server i found my AS50 LWS on today. lol
  3. unSeen 1

    Took about 20 mins to See a ban

    i love the hackers that help you out.
  4. I found one of these today, It was almost 100% evident there were hackers too. (fire EVERYWHERE, bus out in the open, motorcycle glitched on a bush, found 10 mags with the aws + gps nvg and rangefinder...) fuckin awesome find. gonna post a video soon.
  5. i haven't read anything except the first post in this topic, but I assure you off map vehicles disappear. trust me, I know from experience. I've only found 3 vehicles in dayz, a tractor, bus, and a truck. lost the tractor because 2 of the wheels were outside the map, lost the truck and the bus because of a hacker.
  6. Second time I've been screwed over by a hacker. At least this guy had a sense of humor.
  7. unSeen 1

    Day Z Videos

    I'm pretty mad about this, but at the same time it was kinda funny... (like the video :>)
  8. Proof here: 'm pretty mad about this, but at the same time it was kinda funny...
  9. unSeen 1

    Day Z Videos

  10. unSeen 1


    I found one of these today :o some guy with a ghillie, 2nvgs, a rangefinder, gps and the G36C SD + 2 mags on the ground. awesome lol. now i just need to find a goddamn vehicle.
  11. unSeen 1

    Trolling in DayZ [Video]

    for lack of better words.
  12. unSeen 1

    DMR or M107?

    i like the m107 personally.