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Kenya East

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About Kenya East

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  1. Kenya East

    1.6.0 Stuck as male

    RE: 1.6.0 Stuck as male What: I never was able to pick gender and was at first still in my bandit skin. Where: Attempting to login at Chernogorsk Firestation. When: 5/27/12 Version: 1.6.01 Servers on: Most servers up right now, every one I tried just logged me in.
  2. Kenya East

    I was renamed to George Smith

    What an awesome bug. You are now the translator of the Epic of Gilgamesh.
  3. Kenya East

    Couldn't get an option to choose a gender

    I have the same problem. It never gave me an option to choose gender. I also still have a bandit skin.
  4. Kenya East

    IF this was an actual game...

    One time purchase. Only if YOU get full control of the project though. I don't want this to turn into another left 4 dead or dead rising. If it were to be free to play though, i'd rather see it as something similar to League of Legends, as in cosmetic shit only.
  5. That's why I avoid the legion server whenever possible. They'll also kick you as soon as you get in so their clan can get a slot. Spend 10 minutes trying to get in? Get kicked 5 seconds later.
  6. Kenya East

    Anti-AFK Zombie?

    As an asshole who snipes people in cities, I don't move around much. If I've been in an area for a long time eventually a crawling zombie will make his way up to my exact location. It's very sudden and if I move away from my current spot I can see that it heads to my previous spot. Is this intentional?
  7. Kenya East

    A case for "classic" Zeds

    Why is it that everyone wants to take this unique zombie game and make it like another left 4 dead or dead rising. You guys suck.
  8. Kenya East

    Why is night so bright now?

    Light is pretty buggy right now, that's what i'm trying to say. One of the biggest things is that when you're actually in game time goes at practically twice the speed with light. For example, stay on a server that's near dusk or dawn then wait until it's almost light out, then re-log into the same server. It will most likely be pitch black again. I get that there are lunar levels and all of that, but I've never seen it get so bright in just one day. It wouldn't be the first time that a patch unintentionally broke something.
  9. Kenya East

    Why is night so bright now?

    It's just that i've been playing for a few days and server hop often and i've never seen it this bright out. All my friends were saying the same thing. They've been playing 2 weeks. Just something that I noticed.