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Posts posted by Klatscher7442

  1. so hab jetzt alles durchprobiert: Mit steam, ohne steam, mit firewall ohne firewall, mit neuem patch ....

    Ob das neu runterladen usw.. was bewirkt weiß ich nicht, versuchen kann ichs - hab allerdings alles nach Anleitung gemacht gehabt :(

    Ich danke dir jedenfalls, verstehs irgendwie aber trotzdem nicht.

    Edit: Ich installiere gerade den Server neu, habe ihn schon gedownloadet bin gerade dabei ihn zu konfigurieren. Werde mich melden wenns klappt oder Probleme gibt ...

  2. Hier ist der Code, aber bzgl. dem Ordner "AddOns" muss ich sagen, ich habe jetzt KEINE Datei ersetzt, weil ich danach gefragt wurde - hätte ich das machen sollen?

    // server.cfg
    // comments are written with "//" in front of them.

    hostname = "DayZ - DE 1396 (v1.7.2.4/Beta 95417) [Regular|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT+2] dayzmod.com - hosted by TESTSERVER"; // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list
    password = ""; // Password for joining, eg connecting to the server
    passwordAdmin = ""; // Password to become server admin. When you're in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz'
    reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com"; // For Arma2: Operation Arrowhead
    logFile = "server_console.log"; // Tells ArmA-server where the logfile should go and what it should be called

    // WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day")
    // It can be several lines, separated by comma
    // Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval
    motd[] = {
    "Server provided for DayZ community!",
    "The DAYZ team are hugely appreciative of the hoster of this server!",
    "DayZ is in alpha and as such bugs and frequent server restarts may occur!",
    motdInterval = 5; // Time interval (in seconds) between each message

    maxPlayers = 40; // Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player.
    kickDuplicate = 1; // Each ArmA version has its own ID. If kickDuplicate is set to 1, a player will be kicked when he joins a server where another player with the same ID is playing.
    verifySignatures = 2; // Verifies .pbos against .bisign files. Valid values 0 (disabled), 1 (prefer v2 sigs but accept v1 too) and 2 (only v2 sigs are allowed).
    equalModRequired = 0; // Outdated. If set to 1, player has to use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server.
    requiredBuild = 95054; // Require clients joining to have at least build 12345 of game, preventing obsolete clients to connect

    // VOTING
    voteMissionPlayers = 1; // Tells the server how many people must connect so that it displays the mission selection screen.
    voteThreshold = 2; // 33% or more players need to vote for something, for example an admin or a new map, to become effective

    disableVoN = 0; // If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available
    vonCodecQuality = 10; // Quality from 1 to 10
    persistent = 1; // If 1, missions still run on even after the last player disconnected.
    timeStampFormat = "short"; // Set the timestamp format used on each report line in server-side RPT file. Possible values are "none" (default),"short","full".
    BattlEye = 1; // Server to use BattlEye system

    onUserConnected = ""; //
    onUserDisconnected = ""; //
    doubleIdDetected = ""; //

    onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; // unsigned data detected
    onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; //"ban (_this select 0)"; // tampering of the signature detected
    onDifferentData = ""; // data with a valid signature, but different version than the one present on server detected

    // MISSIONS CYCLE (see below)
    class Missions
    class DayZ {
    template = dayz_ID.Chernaus;
    difficulty = "regular"; // change this for other difficulty settings, regular, expert is valid

  3. Hi,

    Vielen Dank erstmal!

    In MPMissions ist die Datei eingefügt worden, in der Server.cfg abgeändert unter "template" - bzgl. Dta im Serververzeichnis sehe ich nichts, müssen die da zusehen sein wo auch @DayZ, @hive, BEsetup usw.. zu sehen ist? Ich sehe nur einen Ordner bei mir der heißt "AddOns", eventuell meinst du den? Wie gesagt, ist mein erster Arma Server :(

    Hoffe ich konnte dir alles beantworten.

  4. Hello,

    I have a Problem with my Server. I created the server following the instructions, but this does not work 100%. The server status remains at "creating" are people you can connect it but it just does nothing.

    Here is the Log:

    12:36:26 Dedicated host created.
    12:36:28 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.151)
    12:36:28 Host identity created.
    12:38:46 Alex uses modified data file
    12:38:46 Player Alex connecting.
    12:38:47 Player Alex connected (id=22775622).
    12:38:47 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Alex ( connected
    12:38:47 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Alex - GUID: 56e1981cef7e111dee587ae617d2a373 (unverified)
    12:38:47 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (56e1981cef7e111dee587ae617d2a373) of player #0 Alex
    12:38:54 Player Alex disconnected.
    12:38:54 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Alex disconnected
    12:38:54 BattlEye Server: IMPORTANT: BattlEye's script detection feature has been improved! See here for more information: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?131759-New-BattlEye-features-for-server-admins&p=2192402&viewfull=1#post2192402.

    (Why comes: "uses modified data file" at all Players where Connecting?)

    This is my first Arma 2 Server, the Server is whitelisted.

    I'm a German Player, you can speak with me in German or broken English ^^

  5. I can only confirm (AffeMitDerWaffe) that the admins of U.S. 572 is definitely not playing fair. Yesterday, you did a server restart unauthorized after we found a jeep. Then tents + cars were gone and they thought it would be a mistake.

    We have also specifically addressed to you by using voice chat (by an administrator that we had stolen his car, suddenly the server was offline)

    The Admin-Camp is on Skalka in the hill - for all Destroyers!!!
