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About islandjack

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. islandjack

    creepy axe murder guy

    Why can' there be more pretty women playing dayz? Sigh......
  2. I play on several non-PVP servers and that is where I have the most fun in the game.
  3. We can talk about reality when food and useful things magically appear in grocery stores every ten minutes and the people that are left aren't spending every minute just trying to find clen water and enough to eat. No one is going to have time to PVP in the "real thing".
  4. islandjack

    Finally meeting some friendlys.

    I play under G. Quagmire. If you see "giggity" in the side chat you r among friends. I'll help you and give you equipment if I have it. I dont play seriously and many times just suicide out at the end of the session and start over again for the challenge of it. I never PVP even if you are shooting at me. I just run away and announce your name in the chat so others know to evoid the PVP'er
  5. No counter arguement, I agree. I rock the axe and a 1911 mostly, can't aim a gun for nothin'. Most of the time the bullets don't go where the cross hairs are anyway. I enjoy the crossbow but its hard to find arrows for and lately you can't retrieve the arows when you shoot something with it.
  6. islandjack

    What is the community like today?

    Look for a server that advertises PVE only if you want to cooperate. I played for a few months last year, then my comp broke and I didn't play for about 2 months. Now that I am bacvk, I am finding a lot less KOS PVP going on in chernarus because many players are going to other maps. Also you can find low pop servers too. When I log in to a low pop server, I announce on side chat wher I am, I'm a new spawn and that I dont PVP. Most people like that and will leave you alone as long as you are no threat to them. Many offer to help with rides in vehicles and equipment. Try US911 server. I have been playing for 2 weeks on it regularyl and only one KOS guy who was immed. banned by admin when he shot at me.
  7. Was playing on US 911 server this morning and found some friendly people and had a good time. I rabbited for a player named Vivi, drawing off zombies while he looted the firestation in electro from his car while another player provided close air support from a heli. Why can't there be more servers like this one where everyone doesn't just KOS all the time? If you are a server admin, please set up a time or server where there is no PVP allowed for us PVE players. I wold love to see a forty or fifty person military action with air support and an armored column of vehicle go in to electro or cherno and just clean out all the zombies and hold the city as long as possible. HOW FUN. If that ever happens let me know, I would like to participlate.
  8. Same thing happened to me, killed a cow with two crossbow bolts and couldn't recover them, even though I saw them sticking out of the cow.