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About starsyth

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. playing on this server for the most part is how dayz should be. I fully reccomend it.
  2. looking for vechicals all day... none found... sad panda :(
  3. starsyth

    Spawn Roles

    not everyone would spawn with a gun, just a few select roles / rare spawns. Mechanics could spawn with a toolkit + overalls etc would be awsome.
  4. starsyth

    Spawn Roles

    Ok, so here is what I was thinking to myself would be a nice feature. Instead of spawning as "generic survivor 99291" the diffrent spawns had diffrent backgrounds and starting items. Have rare spawns as police or firemen in towns/ near fire houses medium spawns as supermarket clerks and shoppers near stores average spawns as regular citezens most common spawns as farmers / towns folk Now that respawning has been taken out of the game, combined with a noticable increase in difficulty. I dont see why this wouldnt be a nice addition to the game. Maybe even get a bit more diversity going on with the character skins ingame too. The thing I would like to see the most would be the unique spawning items. Revolver for police, double-barrel shotty for farmers, fire axes for firemen, food/supplies for supermarket clerks and so on and so on. What do you think?
  5. Greetings, I've been playing games online for a long time and there are not many I havent trialed. Always seeking that next main/side game to play with the group I hang out with in cyberspace. I've noticed alot of posts / noise being made by people regarding the pro's and con's of the current influx of players to the mod and its effects on the community and gameplay. The biggest being bandits and the lack of team play with strangers. I hope, as a new member of this community to shed some light onto some key points which everyone here needs to realize. 1. DAYZ is bigger than ARMA I'm not going to claim one is better than the other, just that dayz has a much larger potenial target market than the more niche gameplay of arma. I personally did not like arma when I played it, I didnt give it the chance it needed to really show of what it was really about and that I regret, however its only through DayZ that I've realized this. Now, when your game apeals to a broader range of players your going to have a larger mix of people playing for diffrent objectives. The key thing to remember here is, not everyone is going to be aiming for the same objectives as you are. 2. Sandbox Games like eve have shown us that rage is a good thing, the people mad and angry are that way because they actually care about the game enough to be emotionally charged for or against a game mechanic. Now there are two ways the development of dayz could head. Sandbox or Themepark, personally I would like it to remain more of a sandbox. If you the players dislike bandits, band together and do somthing about it, try to team up with anti-bandit forces and try and combat it with player driven content. 3. PvP and PvE If this is a real "zombie apoc sim" then I dont actually belive people would be all for being friendly all the time. Its more complex right now that alot of people belive. Currently your more likely to help others when you yourself require help / have nothing to lose. As you progress with the people you band up with you may find yourself collectively benefiting from working together however if you start off being well equiped your more likely going to be more agressive to other survivors because of the basic instint of protecting your supplies. Essentially, when I come across other players I weigh up in my mind 1st are they going to shoot me? 2nd is do I really want an additional drain on my supplies / is this person going to increase my survival chances if I team up with them? and finally do they have anything I require? What it boils down to is alot of choices to make in a very short period of time, most of the time if you have somthing to lose your going to take out the threat before they take you out. 4. The real problem The real problem with DayZ right now is the Alt+F4 problem. Either people denying kills or people despawning loot. I personally think that the people exploiting this should recive warnings and repeat offenders should recive week long bans as well as a character wipe. Also peoples bodies should not despawn. The way I would combat these two issues would be: a) 10 second logout timer, if you DC a duplicate dummy of your character file is spawned for 10 seconds which if killed alters your character save. B) Loot from players either dropping directly to the ground on death OR onto a dummy corpse that will not despawn on alt+f4. So what do you think?