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Everything posted by teknotel

  1. teknotel


    I think it has got to the point now where rather than fixing bugs and trying to improve gameplay, they have to look at what can be done to stop hackers or at least improve detection and removal systems to deal with them or lots of people are going to stop playing this. It really is at the point of being almost unplayable because of hackers.
  2. teknotel


    And yes I played counter strike a lot and VAC was very good,
  3. teknotel

    Us1375 hackers

    This is going to ruin the game. I have encountered and died 3 times this week because of people hacking. There does not seem to be anything that is going to be done and I think ultimately this game could die out to hackers until it released as a stand alone which they would hopefully code and develop themselves. Forum responses are bafflingly negative to people complaining of hacking, which is especially strange when you post in the 'Cheating' section of the forum.
  4. teknotel

    Permission to use this for Admin ease?

    This is ridiculous. It is like no one really cares about hacking. If you spent 4 or 5 hours a day playing with friends and the fun was just ruined by people who can do whatever they wan't I think you would understand. You find a car... They find you and kill you. You go player hunting... And a hacker kills you all immediately. Where is the fun in the game? If this was just an every now and then occurrence then fair enough, but it is happening all the time. From what I have read on the forum people seemed more bothered about disconnect abuse and the power of server admins (the people who decide to spend 30-50 of their money to host a game they love playing). I really don't get the attitude of people. I can't see where your coming from in any way, makes no sense.
  5. teknotel


    What the fuck is wrong with you people. The hacking is ridiculous, actually telling people not to post about something that is completely destroying the game play of a great game. Ok maybe they can't do anything now, but if it ruins the game everybody is going to start hacking or else stop playing it.