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Craze (DayZ)

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About Craze (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. I have invited you to my skype
  2. Alright, just added you on skype. What server are you guys on?
  3. Hey I would like to join! what is your skype? I can go on the whole day :)
  4. Craze (DayZ)

    Looking For more People/Friends

    Sent a pm
  5. Craze (DayZ)

    Looking For Mature North American Players!

    Added you on steam!
  6. Craze (DayZ)

    Searcing for english speaking survivors with Skype

    Hey im down to join :) I'm very friendly and willing to work with other people. If you want to work together pm me
  7. Craze (DayZ)

    Disbanded faction.

    DayZ name (your name in-game): Pauls Steam name (N/A if no Steam account is available for use): Chief Keef Country: Canada Timezone: EST Age: 18 How long have you played ArmA II?:1 year How long have you played the DayZ mod?:2 weeks Do you like obtaining things and using them (i.e. engine parts for a vehicle)? (Yes or No): yes Experience (1 paragraph or less):I have some experience, I played with my buddy yesterday we got up north to the airstrip and got a couple of rifles. I just want to be with friendly survivors who are there to help you. DayZ version: Latest version What division do you want to take part in?: alpha or bravo