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forte (DayZ)

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Everything posted by forte (DayZ)

  1. Am I the only one that thinks of chewing gum whenever someome says PK?
  2. forte (DayZ)

    Holster pistol

    For those who are familiar with the ArmA engine and it's clipping on ladders, we need to be able to holster our pistols. ACE I believe has a method of doing so already, so possibly just borrow their code
  3. The current solution is to downgrade to Beta Patch 93701. Just find the beta folder, delete it then install beta patch 93701
  4. forte (DayZ)

    Blocky grafic

    That is very strange... Update graphics driver?
  5. forte (DayZ)

    Heavy graphic errors

    Try play with SLI turned off maybe
  6. forte (DayZ)

    Blocky grafic

    Can not see picture Can you upload to imgur or similar?
  7. forte (DayZ)

    FPS issues Gt 540m

    Unfortunately, the GT540 isn't very powerful at all. In comparison, it is around as powerful as a Desktop Geforce 8600 That being said You can try turn down view distance, maybe it will help.
  8. forte (DayZ)

    Arma2 Free + OA ?

    I'm not sure about how to combine ArmA 2 Free and OA, but the error looks like you don't have DayZ files in the right place. I suggest using Six Launcher/Six Updater and it will download and put the mod files in the right place http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5797
  9. Easy method I think is use Six Launcher/Six Updater It's pretty much a 1 click play!
  10. forte (DayZ)

    Heavy graphic errors

    Try update/downgrade graphics drivers Check for computer/CPU/Ram stability with OCCT. Check for overheating
  11. forte (DayZ)

    Issues with Arma II

    Run Steam under administrator Verify Game Cache integrity in Steam Run both ArmA 2 and Arrowhead at least once through Steam Try again!
  12. forte (DayZ)

    What is a Carebear?

    I have no idea what the walls of text above is getting at, but to me a carebear is: Someone who specifically chooses to play solo, goes out of their way to avoid any player confrontation, whether it be good or bad and play solely to get the best gear to show off. They either not get involved with the community at all, or excessively vocal about how harsh the game is and are especially vocal about their ideas on how to have it dumbed down so that they can get gear easier, for the sole purpose of getting more gear.
  13. forte (DayZ)

    How to join a server with mods?

    Unfortunately no, DayZ servers run pure DayZ only, just in case someone masks hacks under other mods etc. It's much easier to police that way
  14. No I think it should be a subtle visual cue eg. Pale skin, blood stained etc. (Use the hurt models for people seeing as though bleeding is gushing blood)
  15. No. Needs to be more subtle eg. skin more pale
  16. forte (DayZ)

    day z clan wars??

    Declare war on someone There you go, you have a war! No need to be tied down by time, day, server or other artificialities, if you want to go to war with someone, then do everything within your power to do so. eg: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3409
  17. forte (DayZ)

    Would you shoot the unarmed person?

    Depending on location and if perceived as a possible future threat. Otherwise I prefer not to alert people of my location, nor waste my ammo
  18. forte (DayZ)

    Discussion: Events Team

    I prefer events like this http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3409 Completely player organised, uncontrolled, unscripted. Drum up some drama and simply add fire
  19. Wherever the enemy treads, PL will be there. Also, what I found funny, and probably quite hurtful to PL, is that right now: Pandemic Legion to DayZ is what Band of Brothers was to EVE Online When it first started I'll just leave that here
  20. A single controlled server would certainly help, but it is no limitation
  21. This is the turning point of this game/mod, the point where you ultimately decide on the fate of this long term. You can squash this drama and try to censor it as much as possible, just like most other games, to make everyone have a good time, with no frills. All the drama could be contained in a "competitive mode". This could be referred to as a themepark MMO game. The devs make all the content, drama and plot twists and everyone gets a fair go. Or alternatively, you can do an EVE Online and let this all play out. Let the players create all the drama, the conflict. Sure the Zombies are a common enemy, but people have scores to settle. People on the sidelines like observing drama, the devs don't need to create any stories, the players do, and they are so much more interesting than prescripted events, because people made it happen, not the game. Yes people will get hurt, some people will hate the drama. You will alienate some people, the game will turn into a niche game. Just as ArmA itself has been. But it will be timeless. Look at all other themepark MMOs which all boom quickly then fizzle out, then dies, then theres EVE Online which slowly but steadily rises. Why? Not because of the game itself, the game is kind of crappy and broken at a lot of times, but what the game facilitates. The community which has built up around it, PURELY because of the ability to create unregulated drama and conflict that constantly reach the headlines of gaming websites and magazines from a niche game. This is what Day Z should be. Pure and unregulated. It will be chaotic at first, but already we have seen people band together for a common cause, already on this forum itself and probably out of it. Your decision on this policy will ultimately define the fate of this mod. And the most important thing, is to stand by that policy. I have a feeling that Rocket wanted this from the start, but maybe didn't forsee it happening so soon, probably check up with him on it. Edit: As for how the war might work, well let the community decide. Wars can be won or lost in the hearts and minds. There doesn't have to be team colours. Look at the war in the Middle East. The enemy doesn't wear team colours. They purposely try to blend in. Everyone does. It doesn't have to be a kill count, not an official screenshot or video. When one side is satisfied with an outcome, then it ends. Or when the willpower of one side dies out, it ends. This is a zombie apocalypse after all, it's chaos. Yes, the dev teams can add tools to aid in these, like collecting name tags of the bodies you check, but other than that, it should be free game.
  22. I can see what happened to HTA, happening to Legion
  23. Someone should make the Kugu thread post haste
  24. forte (DayZ)

    Competitive Survival Mode/Clan wars

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3409 I think this should be the future of DayZ Clan wars It stays true to the sandbox nature of the game