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About Fliiix

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    On the Coast
  1. * Server this happend on : US 1241 (v1.7.2.4/Beta 95417) [REGULAR|#DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT -8] dayzmod.com - hosted by deluxe-host.com * Time that it happened including your timezone : 01:00 GMT +1 * Two guys named Ryan and Larru is cheating on US 1241, they are spawning helicopter and ruin for other people, hes streaming this shit right now and i hope you ban both of them, here hes stream : http://sv.twitch.tv/ryanrhino24 He's off now but you can still watch it here : http://sv.twitch.tv/ryanrhino24/b/327055999 , the cheating start around 4:21:03