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33 Good

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About xxKumorinekoxx

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Favorite Games: Day Z, World of Warcraft, Fallout Series, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series, Minecraft, Hitman Series
    Sports: Golf, Tae Kwon Do (Blackbelt)

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  • Bio
    Just another survivor out there with a can of beans and a box of ammo.
  1. xxKumorinekoxx

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Finally have Day Z reinstalled, now I just need to remember how to play, lol. I'll have to keep an eye out for the next time we're meeting up, hopefully it wont be a day I'm out singing.
  2. xxKumorinekoxx

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Well, after a few excruciating weeks, I finally have a computer that isn't completely useless back. It's still going to take me a few days to get all the software reinstalled but hopefully I can start getting back into these things. =D
  3. xxKumorinekoxx

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    The moment I saw this, I knew I just had to put this here Cuz we all need to give some love to the organizer =D
  4. xxKumorinekoxx

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    First you must answer me these questions three! Then the other side, ye see.
  5. xxKumorinekoxx

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Count me in once more =D This time I'm making sure the entire house doesnt decide to have a download fest the day of the meetup so I can actually play. lol. I might suggest that this time we have a few people moderating the chat itself, just to keep an eye out for oddities. Nip the problem in the bud this time around. PS: I'm also down to help organize if you need it, make sure everyone gets pm'ed this time around =D
  6. xxKumorinekoxx

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    If anyone is still feeling like playing with other bronies today, I'm updating my minecraft server today anyways, so I might leave it up for a while and mess around on it. I dont plan to post the IP to the forum but PM me or message me on steam if you've added me if you want the IP.
  7. xxKumorinekoxx

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    I still cant get Day Z to work sadly, lol. but everyone can feel free to add me on steam Rob3d508 (Dont ask about the name, it was an inherited account :x)
  8. xxKumorinekoxx

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    I blame my high ping on the fact other people in the house are downloading a bunch of shit. Otherwise I probably would have been fine
  9. xxKumorinekoxx

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    I couldnt get my Day Z to work half the time but I still had a buttload of fun xD Thanks for being awesome bronies!
  10. xxKumorinekoxx

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    Eeyup, got banned.
  11. xxKumorinekoxx

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    Admittedly yes, the weapons are a bit too powerful, it's the only difficulty where I feel like shooting the Librarians in the face with a Helsing is a better strategy than stealth. But its still harder than Easy mode so I feel at least a little accomplished =D Still one of the best games I've ever played. (And one of the books I want to read most once I get my hands on it.) Here's hoping the don't fuck up the sequel
  12. xxKumorinekoxx

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    Whats wrong with Metro 2033?
  13. xxKumorinekoxx

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    Just beat Metro 2033 on Ranger Hardcore mode =P Now I'm PUMPED for this meetup tommorow. xD
  14. xxKumorinekoxx

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    His ingame-name is Zombie Dimmie last I checked.
  15. xxKumorinekoxx

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    My boyfriend is too shy/lazy to make an account here and sign up so can I do that for him? >.> Just incase I manage to drag his ass onto Day Z tommorow without too much fuss -.- I can personally attest to his bronyhood, I got him into the show in the first place =D