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Everything posted by epicatrain

  1. Here's what I got so far. My investigation is checking around 3 possible areas. If I am right, the ones with constant fps problems regardless of what changes they make or what server they are on will have the problem in one of 3 areas. They will either have: A 64 bit system; Sound performance problems (sound causes lag too, not just video); and/or Steam downloaded game. I haven't had the time to go through anybody's dxdiag logs yet (been really busy here) so please keep them linked. For those of you who have posted your dxdiag in this forum, please use pastebin.com and post your link... That way we don't have to scroll. Thanks. I do not have a solution as of this moment because I'm not at my workstation this week (out of town). I've been reading this via mobile and googling information. As soon as I find a temporary solution, I will post it. Then I will check to find or write a permanent solution for everybody to use. Once again, I am NOT a dayz developer, just a hardware and software guru. Thanks for your time.
  2. Cootos, 64 or 32 bit Windows?
  3. Hey guys, can you PLEASE paste it in a pastebin and provide a link? Scrolling this is a pain. Thanks guys.
  4. Ok, with all of you who are having problems... Did you buy your game through steam?
  5. What's your audio sampling set to in game?
  6. Anybody here have their audio settings handy in game?
  7. I'm sorry, wasn't trying to imply that I was a developer - us as in those of us who are trying to find the problem and find a solution. Computer guru here trying to be apart of the solution, not the problem.
  8. If you need help with one, try pastebin.com
  9. The directx information you posted gives me the information needed but please but it in a code box or a box that we can scroll. If you can't do that, please upload it to a paste website and provide the link. That way we don't have to scroll. Thanks buddy!
  10. Hey guys, A-Train here. It would help us GREATLY if you can include your Operating System, 32/64 bit (important!!!), your directx information (dxdiag.exe), and your in game settings, especially your brightness and gamma settings when posting your system information. Please edit your existing posts if you've already posted and (if you remember or can find out) the server information (include the specs if you can get them) that you've had the best and worst success on. If any of you are brave, try reinstalling the game, patch up, and without modifying any settings, jump on your favorite server and record the performance (write it down, not video record). This gives us a rounded picture of what's going on and see if we can find the problem. I am certain that the problem is not hardware but software related. If an admin can sticky or pin this thread, it would make life easier! Thanks!