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Everything posted by leeds2007

  1. ok then fair enough my bad i do have a squad fully kitted looking for stuff to do whats in it for me an my squad..
  2. leeds2007

    theytThis gaming community....

    kids have google. i don't get why they don't use it
  3. so your crying because you got killed by a squad... i don't get your point here.
  4. when you repeat other peoples posts on the forums...
  5. leeds2007

    How to find stuff and suck less?

    also if you can find a hatchet use it its the most underrated weapon. quiet and 1 hit kill
  6. leeds2007

    Server Hosting

    and there are server companys at least £10 cheaper than yours
  7. leeds2007

    Server Hosting

    if people buy a server will we get it switched over to standalone when it comes out ?
  8. leeds2007

    Graphical Glitches or Dogs

    graphical glitches are not really a problem once you know how to fix them. and its the game not dayz. plus id rather have some new features to push alpha along until standalone
  9. leeds2007

    Some people shouldn't drive vehicles...

    nice hacked as50 tws there dude
  10. leeds2007


    i wonder if he complained about not having a gun to start with might of been getting confused with his cod zombie stuff he does
  11. leeds2007


    if your that happy about meeting a cod/minecraft gaming amateur then you need to go back to console
  12. was playing dayz with my squad ended up going to electro hill while a squad member was running around electro and another keeping watch with his dmr. found a few bodies nothing great. already had decent weapons and items... walked around the hill to explore got killed by a silenced m9 friend survived. luckly i spawned in electro explored and came across about 3 players 2 of them didnt have much so left them the 3rd dude had a SVD and wasnt alone as he had a sniper keeping watch over him all the time. took a pop shot with my enfield and ran he survived went back to my body on sniper hill and my loot was still there picked it up. we waited for our other squad member to meet us. as he got to us the dude i shot at found us at the top of the hill. >squad member throws grenade >ko'd him self from the shock. still alive just >other squad member dead > two people with clear site on me with snipers one nw and ne of me > dude ne pops round tree >two shots hes down > other dude nw of me crapping it trying to zigzag to me... > he has sniper and gillie suit > squad member wondering wtf is going on while hes out cold >kill gillie suit dude > save squad member with bandage, epi pen and bloodbag > save all loot for dead squad member :) best moment ive had for a while
  13. leeds2007

    Best moments in dayz

    once flipped a jeep and an atv and then a dude drove past us in a jeep so we stole his and flipped the atv back over.
  14. leeds2007

    Satchel Charge

    do they also destroy tents? found a camp site with hacked loot took the legit stuff n satchel charged the hell out of it :D
  15. i Got to admit been playing it none stop till last week and i decided to go to a festival and see a lot of bands. and not been on it since. i kinda started to get bored as i had been ever were had all the loot and so on. i was even bothered what happen to my guy as its to easy to find "rare" items plus theres plenty of snipers that give there positions away to easily by missing a shot. so kill him and you have the items you need again. and i do play with friends and also on me own. there is limited stuff to do. even when you think of your own stuff to do, me and a friend once went round as batman and the joker. i think i might just wait until i get my dog and give him a dog name like "scruffy" or "rex" before i play again
  16. leeds2007

    well done mods

    well done mods a decent thread on the forum and you stop it... why don't you stop the ones that keep on re posting about the same subject. i really don't get what your point being here is... the forum is messed up as hell repost's every were we have a bit of fun and you lock the thread... i have not seen you do anything useful in my 3weeks of being on here. and no im not being a troll im actually being seriouse
  17. leeds2007

    well done mods

    do you even know which thread im on about ?
  18. leeds2007

    well done mods

    ye ye my bad on that one, noticed a spelling mistake on the first one and clicked send before i noticed it. and was trying too quickly change it.
  19. leeds2007

    well done mods

    well done mods a decent thread on the forum and you stop it... why don't you stop the ones that keep on re posting about the same subject. i really don't get what your point being here is... the forum is messed up as hell repost's every were we have a bit of fun and you lock the thread... i have not seen you do anything useful in my 3weeks of being on here. and no im not being a troll im actually being serious
  20. leeds2007

    Does Difficulty matter?

    markers on maps don't show. cross-hairs don't show nor do distances mostly stuff like this.
  21. leeds2007

    RIP DayZ!

    1,2 and 4 i agree with i doubt the patch has much to do with it, as if they already been playing it they will keep on playing it and there is some quick fixes for most of the texture glitches.
  22. leeds2007

    RIP DayZ!

    ye because all the cod/bf kids are pissing off :) as they realize 1. its in alpha 2. they don't get there own way 3. they cant computer game 4. they don't know how to search for servers were hacking is least likely also they don't realize that running and gunning does not work
  23. leeds2007

    Mountain Dew?

    ahh the mountain dew curse i had one. and i got 1 hit by a zombie on 9500 blood and died
  24. leeds2007

    DayZ Survival Guide

    would happily do some recording or something if you need the help im sure my mates. would help as well, were always looking for something to do on dayz.
  25. leeds2007

    DayZ Survival Guide

    maybe something on what the best survival supplies are. also best methods ie 1.find food and drink 2. a weapon 3. matches, hatchet, hunting knife, map and compass, i never go adventuring until i have these