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Everything posted by leeds2007

  1. leeds2007

    Will dogs log out with the player?

    i read some were that once you have a dog it should log out with you as over time your dog gets experience. it was in an interview with rocket a while back dunno if that has been put in 1.7.3 though
  2. leeds2007

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    i used to like his videos alot more but now him and his squad think there invincible well mostly him and every time he dies he thinks there "hackers" hes not the best shooter i have seen, he just has really good tactics. the thing with him bandage him the dude and getting his gun taken ive seen him attempt that against other players so he carnt really get angry at that
  3. leeds2007

    So because 1.7.3 came out...

    no i think its going to be ok until stand alone now that warz is out. all the little kids have gone to play that as its more run and gun.
  4. dont waste your money on arma if your just wanting to play dayz wait until standalone
  5. leeds2007

    private server looking for more people

    ill join might be able to get a few people on it aswell is there any different things in i.e weapons camo stuff like that?
  6. leeds2007

    Zombies Halloween

    so how many zombies did you kill tonight, and how many of you were gutted they had no beans.
  7. leeds2007

    SOB admin or not??

    his server and private hive he can do what he wants as he pays for it. just play on a different server
  8. leeds2007

    New Hacker Griefing Technique

    so the text colour and size has changed doesnt really effect the game and if its the server thats done it then you dont have to play on it. dont see what the big problem with it is
  9. leeds2007

    Help with versions?

    you can still play on most servers if you are fully updated even if the servers are not. all the maps use diffrent versions of the map so the 1.7 will be for cherno were as it would be 1.4 for lingor or .55 for one of the others
  10. leeds2007

    DayZ Namalsk Stories Thread

    spawned managed to get to the apartments looted the hell out of the place got all the basics, alice pack and a gillie aswell. went adventuring south came across a heli cras picked up an m14 and a fal walked abit more. some guy tryed to stop and shoot at about 200m with a dmr. i didnt know what was going on layed on the floor behind some trees and he came closer shot him with my fal took his dmr and forgot to take his mags as i hurd more shooting seen a tall factory and started to climb the stairs up to the top while is 1st person looking at were the gunshots were coming from get about 3 stories high the stairs end and i fall to my death moral of the story ... always look were your going
  11. leeds2007

    Getting The Game? What To Know

    if you can get the arma demo and get used to the shooting
  12. leeds2007

    How to use full backpack and inventory

    if you click on the item you want in your bagpack it will just swap it with a item of the same size of your inventory
  13. leeds2007

    Dayz Namalsk

    love the map especially the ambient sounds gives it an scary lonely theme and coldness. but its a brutal map hard to find loot when you start. also helps if you are good at combat
  14. leeds2007

    private server

    so im thinking of buying my own dayz private hive server. but only going to do it if i can get at least an average of 10 people on at any time. i have a small group of friends that play about 8-7 of us so thats a start is there any one that would be interested give me a pm, also all hackers will be banned. admins that hack will be banned. and we will try to have admins on as much as we can.
  15. leeds2007

    Fix duping, and wipe characters...

    no point in wiping till standalone
  16. leeds2007

    What is "ghosting"

    its when you die and your left to roam the wilderness of chernus.... just all by yourself... no one to talk to.... or shoot....
  17. leeds2007

    DayZ performance, with Arma's expansions

    it will run slower if the graphics are higher with improved textures but im guessing they would optomise the game abit on each expansion
  18. leeds2007

    DayZ app?

    i doubt it there wont be enough memory for it
  19. leeds2007

    standalone treats

    so its getting closer to standalone dayz.. many of us have stuck out threw the hackers and the crying cod kiddies. do you think rocket will give us something as a thanks for supporting dayz threw alpha? would be nice after the shit storm of crying people it keeps on getting. what would be your ideas on treats? a special badge maybe or the ability to do something extra with your dog? or an added survival perk. would be a nice idea.
  20. leeds2007

    50 shades of grey?

    dayz commander greys out any versions that are not the same as your updates chances are most servers aint on the latest beta patch. but you should still be able to join them but if you have updated to 2.6 then you can not join a 2.5 server
  21. leeds2007

    standalone treats

    but im sure rocket took alot of ideas and comments from us that play dayz.
  22. leeds2007

    standalone treats

    i was kinda going on the getting it out there kinda thing. but im not gunna complain if he doesn't was just a suggestion
  23. i just wanna try the dance script for shits n giggles start a rave in the warehouse in story or something like that. maybe in the hangers.
  24. i shall discuss with the squad and see what we can do i wouldnt count on it though its the weekend and i just been paid :P