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About DrunkenPrayer

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Three day noob here and I'm loving it. I didn't even look at a single guide before logging in and immediately regretted it. Then I went and watched Sacriel's beginner video which explained the interface and it got much easier the second time round. I still died horribly many times though and eventually caved and looked at a map - maybe twice haven't looked again since because I feel it ruins some of the suspense. Finally on my last character I accidentally wandered into Electro (sp?) without realising, I just saw a church in the distance and thought it looked cool. Somehow managed to raid most of the buildings without drawing any zombie aggro or other players until I finally got cocky and had to battle a huge horde after crouch running to the station. After much frantic running I finally made it onto the roof via the side ladders (somehow missed the internal staircase) where I hid out until zombie aggro dropped and I remembered the smoke grenade in my bag. Threw that to distract nearby zeds and made a run for it. Eventually found some power lines in the forest and decided to follow them and ended up in an all out fire fight with two strangers after I accidentally shot one of them thinking it he was a zed. Died horribly but respawned and explained it was an accident. They came and met up with me and gave me some of my gear back. Not all of it which seemed fair given the circumstances, just enough to survive and we proceeded to play together for a few hours before I realised I had to go to sleep or I'd miss work. There's no moral to this story really other than to say play more and practice and things get better. So far I haven't met any bandits or had a lot of the nightmare games that new players complain about but I know it's coming and I'll just suck it up and chalk it up to experience. Although I really wish they'd re-enable respawn but after reading some forum threads about people abusing it to get better spawn points and gear I can see why it needed change just maybe not so extreme as to remove it.