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Angel Knight

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Everything posted by Angel Knight

  1. Angel Knight

    Switching servers - come grab free stuff

    I need to download FRAPS I guess... my whole group was cracking up as I read off the list of stuff I was feeding into my black hole backpack™.
  2. Angel Knight

    Server US 1154

    Sweep the west and northern edges, as mentioned, but also check the vehicle spawns that are not on the DayZDB map. Inside the fenced in area at 033x033 there is an ATV spawn, and check the radio tower at Olsha 129x025 for a bicycle. They are almost always there.
  3. Angel Knight

    Switching servers - come grab free stuff

    Checked my old camp again this morning, still stuff here. Also, there's a bus down behind the NWAF.
  4. The way that is phrased makes me want to consult Admiral Akbar's opinion.
  5. Do what I did: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/90727-switching-servers-come-grab-free-stuff/
  6. Angel Knight

    I'm sick of KoS bandits and cowards

    Agreed OP 100% behind you. This game should be so much more than a pointless deathmatch, but as you can see by many of the replies so far, some people are too dense to get that.
  7. Angel Knight

    Switching servers - come grab free stuff

    Nice work. I guess they had more than one camp. EDIT - 126x126 is in the middle of the ocean. >.>
  8. Angel Knight

    Why are dayz players so hated?

    Speaking of elitist Arma 2 fanboys...
  9. Angel Knight

    Switching servers - come grab free stuff

    Changed the title.
  10. Angel Knight

    Beyond disgusting FPS fix?

    Check on a different server? Sometimes it's the server, not you.
  11. Angel Knight

    dayz players are racist

    I choked on my pepsi laughing at this.
  12. Angel Knight

    Trading for a L85A2

    I have a radio. Don't really care for it. If you go down to Kamenka and look for a tiny dot out in the ocean trying to swim back to shore after being teleported, that's me. Shoot me and the radio is yours.
  13. Angel Knight

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Angel and his band of merry men happen to be nearby. PM me your server and the most accurate directions to reach you.
  14. Since the release of, there seems to be only two kinds of servers. The first has vehicles literally strewn everywhere, and I cannot get from Cherno to Elektro without stepping over an ATV, bus, motorcycle, bicycle, and everything else just practically laying by the side of the road. The other type is less fun; the one where I spend 5 hours walking to every single known vehicle spawn (both the ones on the DayzDB map, and several spawns that are not listed) and don't find so much as a spare tire. Unfortunately, the second type seems more common.
  15. Posted the server on a hacker's site. Have fun. :D
  16. I opened fire on a bandit named Ajvkorn yesterday and he Alt+F4'd to escape the wrath of my Makarov.
  17. Angel Knight

    Why is the M14 so overlooked?

    This is actually coded into the game. Detect what weapons are being fired, despawn all ammo for them.
  18. Then you and he have something in common. I bought something called Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead because it was requirement to get to DayZ, which had been recommended to me. I did fire up the regular Arma 2 a few times, both in single and multiplayer, and it didn't take too long to confirm that the game is garbage without the DayZ mod. I am not part of the Arma 2 community, despite what your ignorant OP claims, and I doubt I ever will be so long as that community is represented by elitist jackasses.
  19. Angel Knight

    Where is all cars?

    You need to contact the server admin and have him wipe the server. Alternately, contact a hacker and ask him to teleport them back.
  20. Angel Knight

    Regular players "lost" to private servers?

    I've tried a few private hives, but I have had bad luck with it and the admin abuse is so rampant as to make the game virtually unplayable. Found a car? Server reboot. Killed the admin in a fair fight? Banned. Admin doesn't like when you question his dupe-ey methods? Banned. (Not kidding) Not to mention that a several private hives I've played on allow modification of game files without the 10 second kick timer, so everyone is running around with no trees and no building files and can everything for miles. I'm glad the admins have a little more power on their own servers, but until they learn to control and play fair, I'm sticking to public hives.
  21. Angel Knight

    To the -gay- team

    Just some friendly advice for the group wearing the -gay- clan tags, should we cross paths again. Don't open fire on me. No really, the two of you that died would still be alive and the third guy, the one who combat logged, could have retained a shred of dignity. Dying for a stranded bus, particularly one that I had no desire to steal, seems like a bad trade. The events from my perspective: I was on my way over to Stary Sobor in a UAZ along with one other friend, looking to pick up our third member. Somehow he got himself turned around and went west, away from us, so I had to pass up Stary and try to find him along the road at Kabanino. He told us over teamspeak that he found a bus, and he completely freaked out when he realized that you were all there; still, he stayed quiet and lay prone in the grass watching you fiddle with the bus. Apparently your tire was out, because the bus was swerving uselessly back and forth, unable to move forward. After watching for a few minutes, and noting that you were wearing hero skins, he walked directly away from you and hooked up with the rest of us. Once he informed us that you guys were in a rough spot and needed some tires, and furthermore were fellow heroes.. sure, why not? We approached slowly in the UAZ and had two spare tires in the trunk. When you started honking your bus's horn, I interpreted that as a confirmation that you were stuck there. After all, who draws attention to themselves if they DON'T need help? So, to the rescue! The problem is, people tend to try and take advantage of my kindness. They do rude things, such as shooting me in the face. When we approached, you may have noticed that we took the roundabout route to reach you and passed around behind the gas station. That's because we were dropping off our pal Chris with his DMR, with explicit instructions to leave giant holes in your heads if any shots are fired. Then we rolled up next to you. I don't know if your speakers work or not, or if direct comm is broken for you, but everyone else in my group indicates that they could pretty clearly hear me in game when I said "Hey you guys need a hand with that thing?" I consider the next event to be rather rude. Namely, walking up to my driver's side window and shooting me in the face. I thought I was dead when the hourglass popped up, although it turns out I was simply unconscious on the ground next to the jeep. The guy riding shotgun, however, was equipped with an M249 SAW and was already bailing when you started firing. Opening fire from the other direction with the DMR was my other pal. I felt very little remorse as they gunned you down between them. Ironically, I survived the gunshot wound and my companions used the blood bags, morphine, and painkillers from your corpses to patch me up. I don't know where the third guy was during the initial shootout, but he started firing at us about two minutes later. Luckily, I was the proud owner of a pair of night vision goggles and the muzzle flare from the gun stuck out like a sore thumb, making it easy to find him after a few minutes. He survived only for two reasons: Firstly, the zombie aggro when we fired back caused all the zombies in town to start chasing us, and thus I could not get an accurate shot. Secondly, you combat logged after we fired a few rounds in your direction and all the -gay- (s) disappeared from the server. I did take a moment to spit on your bodies, because bandits dressed as heroes make me rather nauseous. We fixed the bus, but when I hopped in the driver seat, the two tires we attached were somehow negated. Perhaps I climbed in too fast and caused it to glitch out. Either way, your bus is still stranded by the side of the road. I hope it explodes on you. P.S. Thanks for the lovely pair of matching AK Kobras, they will be given to survivors along the coast. tl;dr - FRIENDLY =/= STUPID. My friends were flanking you in case you tried something stupid, and opening fire on me was your own death warrant. Turn in your hero skins, you don't deserve them.
  22. Angel Knight

    To the -gay- team

    That's a manly avatar you've got there, sir.