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Angel Knight

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Everything posted by Angel Knight

  1. Angel Knight

    Not all hackers are bad

    Drop out of school before learning what a satire is? No, it's not.
  2. I'm currently 14 days old, 10k humanity, full blown carebear. Everyone I've killed has shot at me first. Being friendly does not mean dying pointlessly or constantly, it just means you have to be smart enough to survive by approaching situations differently. Don't let them see you, don't run directly at them yelling friendly, etc. I generally position myself where I can see them, but they can't see me, and I instruct them to lower the weapon/face away from me/put the gun in their backpack. Provide food/drinks/medical/ammo or whatever they need. Then vanish into thin air in my ghillie suit and wait for the next victim to come along. I've survived 2 weeks straight with this method. A little observational skill and understanding of human nature (i.e. probably 50% of them would kill me if I turn around) is all it takes to survive for a long time as a friendly. I find it far more challenging, engaging, and entertaining than killing everything I see.
  3. I meant in real life. He will most likely die in the game before then though.
  4. I had a AS50 TWS very briefly. The temptation to keep it was pretty strong, but the server bugged out and wiped my inventory before I made up my mind anyway.
  5. I hate to break this to you, but you will eventually die. Congrats on the gun though, it is fun while it lasts.
  6. Angel Knight

    Why is the bus so bad?

    Hopefully the standalone will feature the ability to roll down windows and fire your weapons. Then see who laughs at the bus.
  7. Angel Knight

    Who the F*** is The Man From The Woods

    I fell off the roof of green mountain, and the man from the woods drove his UAZ under me to break my fall. Saved my life.
  8. Criticism = Pointing out flaws and why the song needs improvement. Flaming/trolling = Telling them their stuff is horrible. We know the difference, and you are not criticizing. You are being a jacktard.
  9. Angel Knight

    Opinions on Official Hive & Non Official Hive servers.

    This is a list of reasons why I avoid private hives, based on my experience of trying out 7-8 different ones: 1. Silly numbers of vehicles 2. Abusive admins (can't report them for kicking/banning/resetting/locking server because it's private) 3. Huge numbers of weapons not in DayZ 4. Obvious hacking by server owner, but can't be reported because it's private 5. Population is either very high or very low; have yet to play on one with 'normal' number of people, say 15-30? They've either been a ghost town (3-6) or totally full. Public hive has its flaws, but at least your biggest threat is hackers and bandits rather than the admin.
  10. He was not directing that at you.
  11. I've done the loot cycling at the NWAF by myself before. I went to the northern barracks and started a pile by the front door, dumping everything from the barracks into the pile. Afterwards, I walked about 100m into the trees and waited there for about 4 minutes, then went back in and repeated the process. To pass the time faster, you can go to the industrial spawns to the southeast of the barracks and do the same thing there while waiting for the barracks. I did this for about an hour and got an M4A1 CCO SD out of it, along with loads of ammo. Seems to be the most effective means of gathering loot without resorting to cheesy tactics (server hopping for loot) or cheating (duping/scripting).
  12. You. Your font is not visible on my phone. Stop this injustice!
  13. Angel Knight

    Being a hero is MUCH more fun than banditry

    "Friendly?" *shoots at me, so I kill him* 5 minutes later "Friendly?" *shoots at me, so I kill him* Lost my hero skin finally... argh...
  14. Angel Knight

    Retards using skype

    Sorry, I have a decent PC and stable internet. I'll use skype.
  15. Angel Knight

    Underrated Weapons

    AK Kobra and any standard M16 or M4 variant. I've dropped so many bandits and would-be snipers with these guys. Oh, and the dinnerbell. I took out 2 incoming bandits, both of whom were carrying identical weapon loadouts (lol silly hackers): DMR each and M4 CCO SD each, NVGs, GPSs, and basically everything, plus a PDW SD each. All that does you no good when I have better aim.
  16. Angel Knight

    need help fixing a car (dont have toolbelt)

    Why repair it? It will disappear at server reset.
  17. Angel Knight

    Admin ban, US 2362.

    I just switched back to .4 so I could find myself a reliable car and get around quicker. This server was mostly empty, so I farmed NEAF for a while and got an M16A2 M203 and two AKMs, stashed them in a tent, then went riding around on a bicycle looking for a car. Admin logs in and bans me. Never saw the guy.
  18. Angel Knight

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I forgot to mention, I am on .4
  19. If you are on, I can help. I'm approaching slowly. Very slowly. At a crawl, really. In fact, I've been approaching at a crawl ever since I got falcon punched back at Devil's Castle and now I'm almost to the airfield. Longest proning session ever. As for alt+f4ing, if you legitimately bugged out on a rock or something then by all means, alt+f4. That command serves many negative uses, but saving players from glitches and hacks is one of the reasons I'm glad we have it.
  20. Angel Knight

    old post

    No, I'm reading your troll responses in this thread and glad I don't have to put up with folks like you in game. I've never seen someone troll in their own recruitment thread like this.
  21. Angel Knight

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    So I ran into a zombie and he knocked me out in one hit. I frapsed it for you guys. At any rate, LFM in the northwest area.
  22. I recently reverted to .4 because I'm tired of my cars/tents vanishing, and visited your server. No one around. When are people on? (also why is your teamspeak passworded? couldn't even say hi) P.S. I will find your cars and add them to my collection, and use them for my nefarious schemes such as giving rides and distributing stuff along the coast.