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Everything posted by --_Archangel_--

  1. --_Archangel_--

    Jackin the Hackers

    TAKE ALL OF MY BEANS!!! Hahahahaha. You actually caught him spelling out his name!!! I guess that's gonna be one less hacker now!
  2. --_Archangel_--


    If you're admitting to spawning items, then you're pretty much asking to be banned.
  3. --_Archangel_--

    Hackers spawning bot "survivors"

    They also did not aggro, or fire on zombies, as I was watching them for a good 5 minutes before I engaged them, and there were plenty of zed's walking right by them.
  4. --_Archangel_--

    Hackers spawning bot "survivors"

    I forgot to mention that they started shooting at me when I got too close. Are you certain that's from a body duping bug?
  5. --_Archangel_--

    [8secVideo]Best advice for new players

    Predator :D
  6. --_Archangel_--

    US 1060 - Admin kicks for almost dying

    Heli's can seat 9 people. Only 1 kick would have caused it to stop flying (pilot), so how exactly did the admin deduce who was in the other (potentially) 8 spots to know who to ban legitimately?