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Everything posted by Vordreller

  1. I'm hoping the title is specific enough. I'm looking for a few people to casually play with whenever they feel like it. Basically one and the same server, and just go exploring, killing, hunting, etc... I don't have a teamspeak server of my own though, so unless you have one steam chat will be the means of convo :P Steam and ingame name: [TAW]Vordreller
  2. I just logged off inside a building, as per usual. In my inventory I have: - Camping Tent - Compass - Watch - Hatchet - Box Of Matches - Hunting knife. Do I go live in the wilderness now? I've basically got what I need to make myself baked meat all the time. How does the camping tent work? Is it tied to the server it is used on, or does it spawn along with you?
  3. Vordreller

    What to do once you have all your stuff

    Night Vision Goggles
  4. Vordreller

    Weapon and ammo disappear

    Just experienced the same thing. Version installed: 1.7.1 Arma2 beta 93825 It happened when I picked up the double barrel shotgun. And then every time I pick up an item for the bottom row in the inventory. Like a Watch, Matches, etc... The stuff that goes there. I pick one up, and all my makarov magazines drop to the ground. Not my bandages. This is a new character, not an old one that spawned with the makarov. I have no actual makarov gun on me.
  5. Vordreller

    DayZ Stories

    I had made my way from Rog to the east. Finding a compass really helped to navigate to the small settlements in the woods and finding the roads. I finally found the coast in the small town just under Solnichniy. I followed the railroad tracks all the way to Kamyshovo. When I tried to refill my water bottles, I got attacked from behind by a zombie I did not hear coming. I tried hiding in a house but as usual, they walked through the doors. Shooting them was a mistake, as that just alerted the rest of them. A horde flowed in and I had to empty all my M4A1 magazines to fight my way out. I ran up a steep hill and they couldn't follow me. As I walked further along that hill, I saw another survivor being chased by zombies. I ran past him, but the zombies split up and came after me too. So I ran all the way back to Kamyshovo, in order to run up the steep hill on the other side of the town. And finally, I outran those zombies too. I was feeling real good about surviving that when suddenly -BOOM-... headshot. I'm dead. Never found out who it was.