hey guys DayZ is good but as is far as i can tell its not the barbed wire that mainly causes the Grapical glitch is object texture error caused by trying to alter them the objects ive noticed that cause this glitch some wrecks sometimes barbwire or bodies but mainly body bags and tents ive experimented with them and i get the worst errors tears ect aound BB's and tents just thort id let you guys know as ive been a beta tester for many games and make a excerted effort to find and locate the problem have a lil knowledge in locating errors in textures and stuff also so plz dont say we know or no your wrong i may not know the technical phrase for something doesnt mean i dont know what im talking about ive played games for 20+ years and liek what your doing with arma good work but theres alot that needs fixing ive been oneshoted by zombies a few times and the reaction time of zombies to noise needs to be dulled ie a gunshot will grab thier attention but unless they have a direct LOS they should only start moving any your direction not come spring at you or your position and ontop of that the number of zobs spawning should also be fixed as in a max count for a area and only resets after u leave that area die or log out also vehicle i think should respawn if they have not been used in 24 hours this would cause groups to remain logged in and allow those that need the vehicle a chance to use 1 or maybe vehicles be logged to those that discover them and save them to their profile with a max of 3 vehicles per person that way the can find a vehcile and save it then log and will respawn a new vehicle wen thy are not on the server just a suggestion to think about well thats my 2 cents :thumbsup: