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Everything posted by gunzinyourface@live.com

  1. gunzinyourface@live.com


    Hello, I am recruiting players for me and my friends clan. We are a fun and but serious day z clan. I for them the most part am looking for experienced players ( I have been playing arma for 5+ years) if you aren't a noob, you can defiantly apply. Write you're application as followed. Name Age Steam Name Time played with Arma: Personality; What you look for in a clan: Extra notes (Optional) Thanks!
  2. gunzinyourface@live.com


    As pronounced by CSM we will be starting you off as a PVT. You can start any time as soon as we talk to you both. - Sergeant Major Of The Army
  3. gunzinyourface@live.com

    Cherno's Finest [Bandit Clan- CA 16] Still recruiting!!

    Dayz name: [bAC]Smokeh What is your time of area: Eastern Time Will you provide as much support as we will support you?:[Yes/No]Yes clans mean teamwork and i value teamwork highly. What is your primary weapon of choice: I currently prefer a Sniper rifle because my existing exerpience with snipers in arma. How long have you been playing dayz?: Ive been playing Arma 2 and OA for about 4 years now and dayz since the beginning. Skype name:cade.allan3 I also have TS3 and vent. ' I am a very experienced ARMA player and mostly specialize in Sniper support.
  4. gunzinyourface@live.com

    Wearing Camo or Ghilie worries

    Hey im not quite sure if this problem has been fixed yet but im quite skeptical about it because ive found NVG and a bizon sd and it would be very frustrating if i lost it due to a glitch. If anybody could tell if this problem is fixed or not that would be great! Thanks
  5. gunzinyourface@live.com

    Wearing Camo or Ghilie worries

    Ok thanks guys.