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About [email protected]

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. As pronounced by CSM we will be starting you off as a PVT. You can start any time as soon as we talk to you both. - Sergeant Major Of The Army
  2. Hello, I am recruiting players for me and my friends clan. We are a fun and but serious day z clan. I for them the most part am looking for experienced players ( I have been playing arma for 5+ years) if you aren't a noob, you can defiantly apply. Write you're application as followed. Name Age Steam Name Time played with Arma: Personality; What you look for in a clan: Extra notes (Optional) Thanks!
  3. Dayz name: [bAC]Smokeh What is your time of area: Eastern Time Will you provide as much support as we will support you?:[Yes/No]Yes clans mean teamwork and i value teamwork highly. What is your primary weapon of choice: I currently prefer a Sniper rifle because my existing exerpience with snipers in arma. How long have you been playing dayz?: Ive been playing Arma 2 and OA for about 4 years now and dayz since the beginning. Skype name:cade.allan3 I also have TS3 and vent. ' I am a very experienced ARMA player and mostly specialize in Sniper support.
  4. Hey im not quite sure if this problem has been fixed yet but im quite skeptical about it because ive found NVG and a bizon sd and it would be very frustrating if i lost it due to a glitch. If anybody could tell if this problem is fixed or not that would be great! Thanks