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About yourbrofino

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  1. So you're pretty much saying, "HEY, even though you paid $30 to play this Mod (just like everyone else did) you can't play in high populated servers". I'm sorry, but I enjoy high populated servers because I enjoy killing other players. GL finding anyone in a 5/40 player server.
  2. let's be honest, 99% of the people who bought the game bought it simply for the mod. I have NEVER heard of Arma 2 and I would have NEVER bought this game if it wasn't for the mod DayZ. I follow a lot of games and have been gaming for years now, sorry to say but Arma 2 is a game i've never ever heard about and would have never heard of it if it wasn't for DayZ (I'm sure a lot of people here feel the same way).
  3. if this were Call of Duty I would just laugh and go. However, DayZ works like an MMO. It takes time to collect certain loot and A LOT of running...so dying instantly to a hacker (who let's be honest, can and will be able to keep hacking in this mod) is just simply not fun. I don't usually quit games but there is really nothing they can do about the hacking until like someone mentioned here it becomes a stand alone game.
  4. Want to know what lead me to this post? I had some good guns with a lot of murders after not dying for a day (i usually die like 8 times a day lol, yes im noob) so I felt good and strong! not too long ago I killed two people by myself and as I was looting their bodies everyone in the server (including me) just instantly die from the hacker. I guess I wouldn't mind that much if he was making guns or killing randomly people around the game but to kill everyone in the server instantly and causing everyone to just leave the server is just dumb.
  5. I hard that War-Z isn't even made by DayZ people so I'm not sure on how it's going to be...I've read up a bit and I really dislike the "safe zones" they are going to be having, ruins the game.
  6. well thanks for making me feel even worse. lol
  7. was going to do the $20 thing but i heard graphics are worse
  8. Not because i didn't enjoy the game or felt that it lacked certain things but because of reasons that could have been preventable. It's sad because I really do enjoy the game but these two things below me really makes it hard to enjoy it anymore. 1. Graphic glitch making me unable to see ANYTHING. 2. Hackers, I seriously encounter a hacker in 1/3 of the servers I join...it's not fun being killed by them after spending so much time trying to get gear etc. Waste of $30? i don't think so, my own fault for not reading up on the game before playing.
  9. cause usually younger people are annoying;/
  10. can you send me vent info?
  11. As title says it, been playing alone and it sucks. Looking for someone to team up/kill other players with! I'm 23 located in california and I just got the game yesterday. Please be 18 years+ leave a message here if interested!
  12. let me know if you're down to play...I'm 23 located in California and I just bought the game yesterday!
  13. yourbrofino

    looking for team mates

    I play US west/central daylight games...just started yesterday add my skype bossfino