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Rick Mcdick

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About Rick Mcdick

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I'm 23 years old and looking for a group to play with, I'm very experienced in day z and I know chernarus very well. I only play day Z vanilla. Skype is rick.mcdickson
  2. Rick Mcdick

    A few UK players looking for more to group with

    Thanks for the clan invite but I don't do clans, already got a group of friends I play with we're just looking to get a few more chaps.
  3. Theres 4 of us right now and we're all experienced. Currently sat in a server fixing up a minibus, we have a regular bus and a chopper. add me on skype my name is rick.mcdick3 Please EU or UK only.
  4. Theres 4 of us at the moment. Got a car and we're all geared up pretty well. We talk over skype. Add me on skype if you're interested rick.mcdick3
  5. 2 good players looking for a few more players to make a team. We have a camp and a good vehicle. Add me on Skype my name is rick.mcdick3 We're both from the UK, and we only play on EU servers.
  6. Rick Mcdick


    Name: Rick Mcdick In-game Name: Rick Mcdick Age: 22 Location: England What Games you Play: Day Z, Battlefield Bad Company 2, APB reloaded, TF2 Experience on DayZ/Gaming: Played it a few months, killed a few bandits. Why do you want to join?: It's safer with a team than flying solo, plus I can't give myself a blood bag :) It gets kinda lonely alone also. I put in an application on your website also.
  7. Rick Mcdick

    The Men Of Chernarus UK/EU Clan Recruiting

    {{APPLICATION}} [Age] 22 [Maturity Level] Ten [iGN] Rick Mcdick [Dayz Played] 2 or 3 months, I'm very experienced however. I know how to get good gear, the mechanics of hunting, cooking etc. [skype Name] rick.mcdick3
  8. Currently armed with a Lee Enfield rifle and a makarov. I have matches, hatchet, hunting knife, water bottles, map and watch. Pretty much self sufficient but kinda boring and lonely surviving alone. I'd like a team to play with. I'm 22 years old and I have a mic. Steam name is qual2010 Message me on here or steam, EU clans only as I don't want to play on american servers where I'd have terrible ping.