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About monkeybones

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    Just tryna survive
  1. i have been in that same exact postion adn felt the same way, then again it was likely a him or me situation. i hope this never happens to me. id be so paranoid
  2. i wanna have a rave in some warehouse down on the docks at night where everyone has a full inventory of glowsticks and someone pumped music thru voice chat
  3. i am a huge fan of hatchet for zombies, but when it comes to player you better believe i am going to whip out a gun of some sort. i have not been in a situation with a player where it was like i need my gun NOW so i have been able to get cover put hatchet on tool belt and get my gun outta the bag every time i have needed to with no big problems
  4. i am playing on a server now that is pretty friendly. i logged in after taking a beating the night before. i couldn't see straight and was trying to hunt on the coast, and it was not working. there were only 2 others on the server so i decide to ask them for some help and to my great surprise within about 5 minutes one of them jumps out of a car gives me a transfusion and goes on his way. i was able to get back to my bike i had fixed up and cruise the countryside for a while. eventually i end up seeing the same guys one driving behind the other an hour or so later. i said hin on siechat complimented their vehicles and went on my way. another hour goes by and im still being a hipster on my fixie when i see a chopper int he middle of a field, and two guys pointing guns at me. let them know its me again and reinforce that i am friendly. they offer me a ride which is awesome because i had never even been in a chopper before. during the trip they ask if i want a jeep. Umm, yes please? they took me up to Northeast airfield and one guy disappears into the woods for a about 15 minutes comes back with a jeep, that has a fair amount of supplies in it and says here you go. Easily the most awesome interaction i have had in this game. it was so nice it wore off on me and i was giving people free rides with the jeep later in the day and dint even get killed for my car! imagine that. caring, pass it on.
  5. monkeybones

    Vehicle repair?

    scrap metal is used to repair the Body of vehicles. so if your engine needs repair, scrap metal wont fix it, you would need engine parts
  6. how long will a player body just sit there after they die?
  7. monkeybones

    M24 & M16A2 (Fire station Appreciation)

    before i knew how to get off the roof of the fire station i had ended up outside on the roof a few times. without knowing there was a ladder i would prone and roll off the side of the lowest main roof on the the halfstep down roof on the side of the building another roll would have me on the ground, albeit most likely bleeding and broken, but breathing none the less. Most my my player encounters have occurred around fire stations as well, and surprisingly most have been at least somewhat friendly. not counting the times ive been shot in the tower of course.
  8. monkeybones

    Need Someone to Play with

    id be down to play if you can get up to the Berezino area. i have been hanging out around there as of late but will probably not be on until later (east coast time) tomorrow. pm if you wanna roll
  9. monkeybones


    lol i broke my legs and had a long haul to cherno hospital from zelenegorsk. i thought about doing something like that but just fought off the hand cramps by switching right to left every now and then.
  10. monkeybones

    New Guy Comming Through!

    i did not know that shift + left click did that. thanks!
  11. monkeybones

    New Guy Comming Through!

    You'll keep everything you have when you change servers. but if you have just gotten something, a gun for instance, don't log off right away as you will risk losing it. that happened to me during my first week and i didn't know why. i was told it takes a few minutes for servers to save what you have on you.
  12. monkeybones

    All Aloneeee

    fresh as in a fresh character or brand new to the game? where on the map are you? what timezone are you in/when would you be trying to play?
  13. klesh thats a good idea. i did that with the weapons i had as i knew i took them from the box. then i started questioning other stuff though, did i have a compass before or not? binocs? etc. so i just ran him into the waiting jaws of the undead to start at the beach
  14. monkeybones

    Female charecters cannot change clothes.

    i was thinking about throwing a QQ on there at the end to show i knew i was being whiny but decided not to. anyway, yes i am glad it will be fixed in a later update but it was just something that took me by surprise.
  15. well that's a lil ridiculous don't you think? found a ghille on my new chick char only to say i can't wear it. so if you didnt know that, now you do.