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Everything posted by Puncture

  1. Puncture

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If anyone can help me. My legs are broken. I have a spare blood bag, but no morphine. I'm in the deer stand at Msta. Please help me.
  2. I was playing DayZ last night, and I came across some fantastic items. I had the CZ sniper, a M249 SAW, and a G17. I also had the ALICE pack, and all sorts of other things. Mainly medical supplies. So I found a safe spot ontop of a fire station, and logged off. I logged on this morning to find that I was forced to make a new character. I don't know what caused this, but I couldn't try the respawn method, as the respawn button was removed. I tried other servers, but its the same thing. Can a dev look into my character? My ingame name is: ^& Please find out what happened, I don't wanna lose my things again.
  3. I know! I need to adjust to that rule, its just hard being a new player who is gunned down by Cherno snipers. I finally got the advantage on one. I felt accomplished. It sucked having it ripped away.