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About JesuCalamari

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. JesuCalamari

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm right outside the door of the northern barracks.
  2. JesuCalamari

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Anyone at all in Airfield? :(
  3. JesuCalamari

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Alright, I'm in quite the pickle. I am currently in need of desperate aid, as I am bleeding out at about >2k blood directly in front of the Northern Barracks in NWA. I am in need of a bandage, bloodbag, and (presumably) an epipen if I'm out to long- however, as long as we can get the bleeding to stop and get some blood into me I should be fine. I realize this is probably as Danger Close as it gets as far as zombies and snipers, but... if there's anyone kind enough to lend a hand, that'd be grand. For some reason, when I rejoined the server, it spawned me in the middle of Airfield surrounded by a patch of zombies as opposed to a few clicks north where I logged off. Didn't get to make it into the barracks on time. I'm going to try not to sign on until last moment, to preserve the last few drops of blood. I'd rather not die, because I've got an M14, M4A1 CCO, and a Ghillie on me. Anyone out there to lend a (crazy) hand? ^^;
  4. JesuCalamari

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Smack saved me from what otherwise would have been a boring doom- coughing to death in the middle of nowhere! Thanks again!
  5. JesuCalamari

    I just got a second chance

    Yeah, I decided to drop the FAL after all xD And then managed to catch a bloody cold somehow. I'm not gonna bother asking, all I know is I'm not taking any chances trying to run around with 4k blood and no antibiotics for miles.
  6. JesuCalamari

    I just got a second chance

    I don't have anything else on me. And like I said, I found 4 mags total. As long as I keep at least one bullet in each, I'll always have full when I rejoin a server.
  7. JesuCalamari

    I just got a second chance

    I took them both. AIM's in my pack.
  8. So I found one of my first heli crashes that actually hadn't yet been little, right splat in the middle of NW Airfield. Found 2 FN FAL's (took one), 4 mags for it, and an M14 AIM. There was also a medical crate and various other goodies. I climbed to the top of the firestation to have a look around, and find myself surrounded by zombies. I decided to toss a smoke nade to distract them and then try to run off by taking the back ladder. Unfortunately, the game decides it would rather make me fall from said ladder, break my legs, go into a coma, and get immediately massacred by zombies. As I lay there dead, I notice something in the bottom left. "No message recieved in 15 seconds." "No message recieved in 20 seconds." Suddenly the server crashes. I reload the server, and lo and behold, I find that the server really did restart, and that whole 20 seconds of be falling to my death never happened. I still have my stuff. Is this the DayZ gods smiling upon me for the bloodbag I gave that guy in Cherno?