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About Mysery

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Mysery

    Becoming your typical FPS PvP game?

    Yeah sure there is not much else to do but here is a novel idea. How about moving on to another game? Thats what I usually do when I get bored with a game. It is poor etiquette to get your kicks harassing those that are scurrying about trying to have some fun playing the game. All these lame excuses about her/she gamer is doing this or that so I am going to do it talk is just lame. I have not been playing long but thought the game had some interesting aspects I wanted to experience. So I got the game and have been sorely disappointed. I spawned in a game one day and with some skill managed to get into Elektro and spent my time running from a guy with a sniper rifle and handgun. Nevermind I didn't have a weapon. This guy was determined to kill me no matter the cost. I ended up dying from blood lost due to the whole city of zombies chasing us. That experience is typical. Had a guy with an axe chase me as I am leaving the coast. He then says RUN over the mic. LOL...I found that funny but at some point it gets lame. All these people streaming their funny adventures on youtube, twitch, and various other sites as if this makes them leet. I am not one to give up easily...comes from my days in the military so I will stay at it for a little bit more but I must say I have better things to do with my gaming time than getting killed in a game by groups of geared players getting their kicks.
  2. Mysery

    Avoid server US 1006

    If you all read the post I did not say it was the admin I stated that I guess it was the admin. In any event my main focus was to warn people about that server so what happened to me doesn't happen to others. No need to fling insults in my direction. I didn't call for a ban or anything like that. I just wanted to warn other people. And what the hell is a Derp anyways? @_@
  3. Decided to get some play time in this morning to finally make my way to the NW Airfield everyone says has good gear and could possibly mean instant death. With out a map it was proving to be a bit difficult but I was finding my way little by little. Thankfully, I had not run into any other players and was also able to find a few good items i.e. alice backpack and a ghilie suit. Well here is were it gets funky. I guess the admin decided that he/she wasn't having fun or hell just wanted to F with everyone. Everyone ended up in what seemed to be a waiting area and was killed one by one. EVERYONE!!! Hey I am not one to play the whole PvP thing unless the playing field is equal in some respect but I didn't sign on for this type of BS. Kill me in the game please but lets not resort to this type of foolishness. I don't get what is wrong with some people but this is not funny. If you are getting your kicks from Fing with people please get some psychiatric help ASAP! >:(