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About gorg_graggel

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. gorg_graggel

    Could these graphics card run arma 2?

    lolz :D anyway, you don't need a case to run a pc at all ;)
  2. gorg_graggel

    Could these graphics card run arma 2?

    the 6450 is slower by far...it could probably run it on low detail, while the 6570 could get you around medium... but as stated the remaining system should also be fast enough... you shouldn't use both cards linked together though, because the slower card will drag the faster one down and you might end up with less performance than with the single faster one...
  3. gorg_graggel

    Screen Freeze ingame

    ok, so this is most likely your video card or its driver... the newest nvidia driver is version "301.42". if you are using this try downgrading to an older version... if you're not using this, well...use it... :P when installing new drivers for troubleshooting always completely uninstall the driver, reboot windows and then install the new one... if none of this helps, uninstall the driver again, switch you card with your 8600 and install the driver... are you using any 3rd party software for checking temps or fps while in game? if so disable or uninstall it... if this also doesn't work there has to be something wrong with another component, like the mainboard or ram or your windows installation... in that case you need somebody to have a look at your pc personally, because stuff like that is kinda hard to diagnose and fix remotely...
  4. gorg_graggel

    Screen Freeze ingame

    http://pcsupport.about.com/od/windows7/ht/automatic-restart-windows-7.htm do what is said here to disable the reboot after bluescreen...this way it stays and you can read it... you have to manually reset windows when this setting is off... regarding the other video card: did you upgrade to the 250 from the 8600? if so, did you uninstall the old driver and reinstalled a new one or did you just switch cards and let windows detect it automatically?
  5. gorg_graggel

    FPS Problems please help!

    feel free to ask, if you need help regarding what to buy? ;)
  6. gorg_graggel

    Dayz graphic stuttering

    the game may have some memory leaks... so prolonged sessions might get worse performance over time...
  7. gorg_graggel

    Screen Freeze ingame

    what did the bluescreen say? i need to know if it mentions a certain file or any other reason and also what it says after the "STOP"...should be something like "STOP 0x0000E..." or similar... however...there seems to be something wrong with your computer. could be faulty hardware or a driver problem... random bluescreens and freezing often point to faulty hardware... if it only happens when you do something specific, it's either a driver, the program itself or some 3rd party software running in the background and has direct access to hardware (e.g. system tools)... if you know somebody who knows about computers (really knows, not someone who claims to, because he has installed his os himself once), maybe it's wiser to ask him, so he can look at your pc and see the whole picture, because such things are hard to diagnose remotely...
  8. gorg_graggel

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    well, i think the artifacting doesn't happen from the beginning of a session...no matter what settings are used... today i was running around in balota with everything turned up to the max and there had been no artifacts at all...a few days ago i couldn't play there at all... so i guess it depends on how much ram and/or vram (16gb/3gb in my case) is available and how much time it takes to fill it up. last time i had those i had been playing for a few hours before i got somewhere close to dead soldier models and it got worse when i enabled anti aliasing (and therfore filling up vram even faster)...thus ppl with less ram/vram are prone to get artifacts earlier or from the get go... this reeks of memory leak... this could explain the differing degrees of affectation of different pc configs and mitigation when disabling certain memory hogging features (like fsaa) and why flushing sometimes helps removing them for some time... maybe since the mod tapped some capability of the engine it didn't before or in a way that the engine was not supposed to be used. so either the beta needs to be fixed or the mod does need to cease using whatever feature causes that... beta: 95883 (is it as bad with the more recent versions? didn't have time to test those yet...) mod: specs are attached ps: i don't claim to know anything. it's just a theory and if it has been brought up already i'm sorry, but i won't read 94 pages just to make sure it is not redundant... :P DxDiag.txt
  9. gorg_graggel

    bought a new pc and now this (fps)

    i need to revise my last comment regarding performance dependence on servers. just made the experience myself...and i wasn't even in a big city, just on the entrance to komavoro hidden in the trees... i have to chime in with ppl saying, it's the game itself, since i can't explain it otherwise... my pc is rather powerful (i7 3770k, 16gb ram, radeon 7970), which i always keep tidy and up to date, so i doubt it's on the user's end... question remains if it's the beta or the mod... regarding your problem with tanking fps when close to cities and/or players i would think it's some setting either in the in game video options and/or in your catalyst control panel... if you haven't already done it, open the ccc and in 3d game settings revert everything to default settings and then in game disable anti aliasing, shadows, post processing, fxaa, set hdr to normal and video memory to default and then try a few servers... most servers are on 95883/ as of yet, so that should be your version too. or you could set everything to low (or off where available) and work your way up setting by setting until you hit your desired performance. server shouldn't be one of those where you get bad performance everywhere and you should be in an area that gives you bad fps. also don't use any tool that uses an overlay to display fps or other info...this sometimes causes problems in other games too... ...or, erm...did you try completely reinstalling arma2 an oa as of yet? maybe it's just some corrupted file, a borked install or something like that...
  10. gorg_graggel

    performance help PLZ!

    cpu to old, gpu to old... get a new pc ;)
  11. gorg_graggel

    Screen Freeze ingame

    by "blue figures" do you mean a windows bluescreen or just patches of blue color in dayz?
  12. gorg_graggel

    Neues Problem :c (steam overlay)

    pay more attention when reading... ;) well, i assure you, i'm trustworthy (ofc anybody could claim that)... if you, punget, still need and want help over teamviewer, send me your id and pw through a pm...
  13. gorg_graggel

    performance help PLZ!

    try with everything set to low or off...reduce view distance...and from there on work your way up by increasing settings... if there's still lag, reduce resolution further... you might also just set everything to the lowest possible setting (including resolution) to see if that runs well... if it doesn't there won't be anything you can do to get good fps...
  14. gorg_graggel

    performance help PLZ!

    1600x900 actually is about 50% higher than 720p (1280x720) regarding pixelcount... so, try reducing your resolution...