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About bunkers

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  1. I just realized I don't miss the zeds. They didn't do nothing for me.
  2. bunkers

    question about cooking

    Any way to heal from food poisoning without charcoal tabs?
  3. bunkers

    Open discourse about hoarding.

    Fair enough. But do you go to your tent, empty it, pack it up and carry it every tuesday night?
  4. bunkers

    Open discourse about hoarding.

    What's motivating people to do hoarding when it's all lost (what you don't carry) once a week? Kinda tedious no? I might be a hoarder myself if/when stuff is truly persistent. As it is now there's no use in having stuff you can't carry on wednesday.
  5. bunkers

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    I can't sharpen my axe with stone anymore. This is a problem if the axe is getting ruined after just cutting a relatively few trees. Axes needs to be more durable, how many trees can you chop in real life before the axe is ruined? At least the stone was a good insurance, although it takes alot of space.
  6. bunkers

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    I can't sharpen my axe with a stone anymore... Also notice an FPS drop, but not significant.
  7. I just rigged a fireplace with a tripod and pot and all, only to see it gone on server restart on the persistance enabled server I play on. Are those items not persistent? Or was it maybe that I put them all up right before the restart (as I hope...).
  8. bunkers

    I feel like an asshole

    I don't often kill people in dayz, but it happens from time to time. Usually for a good reason, but sometimes not. However I'm often struck by a feeling of guilt after I've done it and I'm glad it's that way. And it's one of many things that sets dayz apart from other games and makes it so interesting. It can go days after certain incidents when I still feel bad about something, especially if I shot some1 that posed no immediate threat to me.
  9. bunkers

    Is direct communication (typing) working?

    It's in the white colored channel "Direct communication". I think that's supposed to work in your immediate surroundings, like talking without a mic. I've tried it a few times with players around but noone seems to notice. In arma 1-3 this was/is working as it should.
  10. bunkers

    Is direct communication (typing) working?

    It just wont work with my family situation. DayZ mic talk would not go down well here :lol: back in my bachelor days things were different... those were the dayz...
  11. Just met a guy that tried to talk to me, I have no mic so I typed back in direct channel, but he clearly could not read it. Is it known to not work? A mic is really not an option for me, but it would be nice to be able to type some messages.
  12. bunkers

    Afraid to go on

    You're experiencing the best part of the game. Now go around risking it all, with your heart racing :ph34r: hide in or around towns, see people, hear footsteps, freak out!
  13. bunkers

    Woot! No more poor mans UAV!

    Bad news indeed :( I was getting all excited about starting a new character on experimental tonight...
  14. bunkers

    More Backpacks?

    I'd really like to drop the backpack myself. But I like hunting and making a fireplace, and for that I need both an axe and a pickaxe. If not I'd gladly leave the backpack behind, except maybe the hunter one which looks ok.
  15. bunkers

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    I'm worried the game will turn into just another deathmatch as the loudest players always will shout out for MOAR guns, MOAR military weapons, MOAR automatic weapons. People want granade launchers and machine guns and what not. Remember deathmatching is probably the most popular game concept there is. Thus, alot of players will be shouting in the forums to make DayZ a deathmatch too. Don't let them.