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Everything posted by 51-50

  1. Theres a hacker in us355 Chicago right now. Teleporting the lobby to the airfield and killing all of them.. This is happening right now..
  2. 51-50

    US355 HACKER

    apparently this is happening a lot...?
  3. never mind i c in the thread title... nope wasnt me
  4. I have noticed there are quite a few threads about this so i figured id make one with the error in the thread title to try to consolidate a little here. Cannot connect to some servers it will say joining then boots back to lobby and says failed to connect. I get this code in the error log. NAT Negotiation failed (NNThink - result 2) This is a server ive played many times and have my tent and car in. I was playing in this server about 12 hours ago and it was working just fine... Anyone found a fix for this??? Ive never had this happen..
  5. i even placed my computer in a DMZ and its still a no go ...
  6. that is strange you cant find it. did you put a space between us and 355 cause there isnt one.. I know how to configure my router i have a degree in networking and i do this for a living. Im not the average can not connect to server person on this forum. ive been through a bunch of different scenarios and i cant figure it out.
  7. will u try connecting to us355 and see if it works? i would appreciate it
  8. There are others on the server ...its annoying cause ive played on that server alot then all the sudden it doesnt let me now
  9. I have already manually forwarded the ports for arma and i double checked it to be sure that they are still configured.. its just on certain servers.. one of which has all my loot in it lol
  10. Let get this fixed guys lol its killn me
  11. That sucks.. but it does make me feel better knowing that its not something that is only happening to me lol no offense
  12. Yup that is what is happening..but i dont see a fix in that thread
  13. Keep this thread bumped.. maybe it will get some attention
  14. Well at least i know its not just me..
  15. Im having the exact same issue ....exact.. really annoying since the server im trying to join has all my tents and vehicles...
  16. 51-50

    Rocket is a sadistic bear f**ker

    Some one smash this guy with an epic BAN HAMMER...
  17. 51-50

    Hunger/thirst fix

    Im not sure if the game is supposed to be doing this but for some reason even when im not playing my hunger and thirst still drops. This is a problem in my opinion because not every one has time to play everyday to make sure their guy doesn't starve to death. I think it should pause just like everything else when you are not playing. Whats your take?
  18. 51-50

    Hunger/thirst fix

    I hope it doesn't kill me