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Posts posted by 51-50

  1. Its up to you whether you want to do what needs to be done to fix it, im just trying to help. In 99% of the cases, NAT issues are on the user and not the host. Just about all servers run in in vms or vps so they can allow several people to rent from the same box, the complete box runs in dmz which opens all ports needed unless specifically told not to.

    EDIT: I cant find a US355 server in the list

    that is strange you cant find it. did you put a space between us and 355 cause there isnt one..

    I know how to configure my router i have a degree in networking and i do this for a living. Im not the average can not connect to server person on this forum.

    ive been through a bunch of different scenarios and i cant figure it out.

  2. Hmm.. While its very unprofessional to have these issues as a host and network provider, i am bound to believe the nat issue is happening in the datacenter the server is hosted on. Are other people on the server? Nat can be country specific, so thats still not a very accurate way of telling, but it can give you an idea.

    There are others on the server ...its annoying cause ive played on that server alot then all the sudden it doesnt let me now

  3. Its tough to say since the issue you describe seems to be random. I find it hard to believe that its an issue on the servers side, as the whole network should be running in DMZ.

    I would recommend that you check your router settings and make sure that the ports for the game are open, or that upnp is enabled.

    If it still gives you the error with upnp enabled, try and manually forward the ports required by ArmA, to rule out that it is an issue with your router. If it still gives the error, it must be a problem with the specific server you are attempting to connect to.

    I have already manually forwarded the ports for arma and i double checked it to be sure that they are still configured.. its just on certain servers.. one of which has all my loot in it lol

  4. I have noticed there are quite a few threads about this so i figured id make one with the error in the thread title to try to consolidate a little here.

    Cannot connect to some servers it will say joining then boots back to lobby and says failed to connect.

    I get this code in the error log.

    NAT Negotiation failed (NNThink - result 2)

    This is a server ive played many times and have my tent and car in. I was playing in this server about 12 hours ago and it was working just fine...

    Anyone found a fix for this??? Ive never had this happen..

  5. The problem started about an hour or two ago. I was in the middle of hosting an ARMA 2 game and then suddenly new people couldn't connect. Upon restarting the server (we wanted to get everyone in) no-one could connect at all, not even people who were playing fine just a few minutes before.

    That sucks.. but it does make me feel better knowing that its not something that is only happening to me lol no offense

  6. Hey, i've recently done the patch for 95208 after waiting forever for my clan server to update to it i seem to cant get in it anymore or any over servers who are using 95208(i could connect to them all yesterday). Everything is updated i have no red x's nothing, but when i seem to try to join a 95208 server i seem to can't connect it just comes up "joining server" then "connecting failed". I can join other servers however, which are not 95208 but i would really like to get this fixed as my clan is on a server which is using 95208. i've tried restarting my computer restarting Arma, uninstalling six updater and reinstalling it. Im running out of ideas if anyone knows whats wrong or is having the same problem please tell me.

    Im having the exact same issue ....exact.. really annoying since the server im trying to join has all my tents and vehicles...

  7. Because its an alpha, its supposed to get worse. The mod is not supposed to be in a playable state during alpha, and no one here should expect it to be. The day which people realise that its supposed to be broken now, in order to be working in the future, is the day this mod will have a glorious community. Unfortunatly, this wont happen, as there are no limits to the stupidity of mankind.

    What he said....

  8. How much longer are we as community going to let Rocket toy with our emotions like this?!

    How much longer are we going to let him control us like we were his little puppets?!

    We need to organize and truly make this OUR game!!!!

    Power to the people!!!

    Down with Rocket!!

    Some one smash this guy with an epic BAN HAMMER...

    • Like 1

  9. I consider logging off to be analogous to "sleeping"' date=' which makes sense since your blood replenishes slowly while offline (or so I've observed). In the short term, this is reasonable, but in real life you don't actually sleep for 48 hours and wake up dying of thirst. I think the loss should be capped at a certain level, such as 50%, after which you stop gaining thirst and hunger, but also blood.

    The problem with the current system is not just that it penalizes players for being away for a long time, but that it also penalizes them for playing for shorter periods. If I can only play for an hour or so and don't manage to find food or water in that time, I'm screwed.


    I could understand 50 percent or whatever I just think its not right that every time I spawn in they are both blinking and I use my hour or 2 playing to find water and food only to logout and repeat lol..just wish it wasn't like that.. My main concern was if it was a bug or not

  10. That is a feature' date=' not a bug. It's been discussed many times, though I don't know if there are any plans to remove it. The wind certainly seems to be blowing that way, but that's the public's opinion. Who knows what the devs are thinking?

    I actually think it makes a certain kind of sense, but it still needs to be tweaked for the sake of those of us who can't spend every day playing. Anyway, for now, just make sure you have food and water on you before you log out. You'll never die from hunger or thirst while offline, but you will soon after you log in if it's been too long.


    Yeah I have a job and other life responsibilities to take care of..i feel like it pushes the people away that may only have the option of playing once or twice a week because I spend my hour or 2 of playtime restocking my food from when I wasn't there.. If they are going to leave it like that than other stats should roll over too like your life span and such. Its really frustrating to me, at least I know its not a bug now

  11. Im not sure if the game is supposed to be doing this but for some reason even when im not playing my hunger and thirst still drops. This is a problem in my opinion because not every one has time to play everyday to make sure their guy doesn't starve to death. I think it should pause just like everything else when you are not playing.

    Whats your take?
