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Radiix (DayZ)

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17 Neutral

About Radiix (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. So many criers would shut up if we just would see a frikkin ROADMAP!
  2. Radiix (DayZ)

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    Hangender gief SA antihack for server.pbo kthx
  3. Radiix (DayZ)

    The places to loot

    The route we had very good loot: Kamenka -> Pavlovo(military/industrial) -> Zeleno -> Green Mountain -> Stary Sobor -> Vybor -> Lopatino -> NWAF
  4. Radiix (DayZ)

    The places to loot

  5. You have to make sure that the cans you are eating are not heavily damaged. Example: A prestine Can of baked beans gives way more "satisfaction" than a damaged one.
  6. First of all, i had really a GREAT time in the first days after release. Me and my buddies had some trouble to catch up with each other the first hours but after we found us everything went uphill. Need to find out how to use those bloodbags tho! We met at balota and went to kamenka, since we wanted to avoid the big citys in the beginning because it was full of bandits and hatchet mass murderers. After our trip to kamenka we headed up north to zelenogorsk and found that amazingly made ?pavlovo? industrial/military camp. After a while of scavanging in that little area we made a little Breakfast break, sittin on teamspeak, sippin' coffee, smoking cig's. After we finished, we logged back in on GB 1-195 and went straight to zelenogorsk. After we reached the border of the forest south of zelegorsk the view was INSANE! So beautiful, we were impressed by the graphics and the viewdistance. Now we are sitting there, looting the 'racks and suddenly we hear a girls voice yelling: "You, with that clownsmask are you friendly?!" I quickly replied with YES OF COURSE DONT SHOOT! I put my hands up in the air and the girl started to inspect my gear. I told her that im here with my buddies and she asked me if we had any bloodbags, because she only could see grey(lowblood). I talked to my buddies on teamspeak, and we decided help her. After 20minutes of trying arond and testing we finally managed to give the girl a bloodbag. But... you know... giving other peoples your blood won't help them in the first place. We forgot a big factor in this, the Bloodgroup. After a while she went unconcious, and we were kinda sad, because the girl was lovely and nice. After that happened, we decided to always have a bloodtestkit in our backpack to make sure this won't happen again. Thats it so far, i will continue my story later on. Greetings! PS: Girl with a Red Bandana, if you can read this we are sorry!
  7. Radiix (DayZ)

    Server Owners get nothing????

    Uninstall please ...
  8. Radiix (DayZ)

    Thanks Rocket!

    This is for Rocket and his team! a HUGE THANK YOU!
  9. Radiix (DayZ)

    DayZ Banana (No Reason...)

    Wtf did i just watch ....
  10. Radiix (DayZ)


    Welcome to the community! Please keep in mind this game is still in alpha and you will experience alot of issues and problems.
  11. Radiix (DayZ)

    Lost All Gear When Changed Server?

  12. Radiix (DayZ)

    Who's Eventually Starting a Server?

    I will for SURE! Just needing those files man... Dedibox is prepared and ready to roll!
  13. Radiix (DayZ)

    Server files?

    Gief server files please! Or atleast tell me what i need to do to get those files! I will do anything
  14. Radiix (DayZ)

    Thanks Dean and Team

    Thank you Rocket and Team!