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Faceman Peck

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Everything posted by Faceman Peck

  1. Faceman Peck

    Where is all cars?

    the day after the new patch most legit players logged in and hit the vehicle spawns tough; your conspiracy theory of script kiddies moving all the vehicles has a ton of holes
  2. again thank you for the informed replys, I will try my luck with this tonight :thumbsup:
  3. Faceman Peck

    Army clothes ?

    she used to be yum and the matrix ate my quote :(
  4. alright so we have a few mixed responses. Can anyone else confirm this being possible?
  5. Faceman Peck

    [Video] The moment I quit DayZ

    I am still boggled by the OP's constant need for the ATV. Why this would keep a player here or force them to leave is beyond my comprehension
  6. Faceman Peck

    I admit defeat

    and the front doors will be fragged open then. keys? psssht
  7. sweet thanks for the reply im going to try it! :thumbsup:
  8. Faceman Peck

    Missing vehicles and tents.

    absolutely right except the game is in alpha really
  9. Faceman Peck

    dayz players are racist

    :facepalm: fixed :thumbsup:
  10. Faceman Peck

    Hunger Games/Battle Royale

    this image is funneh
  11. Faceman Peck

    I admit defeat

    accoding to whom? lawl another one is butthurt from snipers
  12. Faceman Peck

    I admit defeat

    can you identify the problem for me, cuz im not getting it... :rolleyes:
  13. Faceman Peck

    Hunger Games/Battle Royale

    not really at all. The game doesnt end after a certain amount of time and new players come and go as they wish, we don't spawn with random weapon, and there is no mellee other than an axe.
  14. I played arma 2 and liked it but then I installed DayZ and decided Arma2 was a whole bunch of why bother
  15. Faceman Peck

    I admit defeat

    All right, I love this shit! go get em senior grumpy pants! :thumbsup: Beans for j00 mang! :beans: Finally someone who is not quitting, they just tired of taking it and wanna give some back. I wish you luck with vast amounts of player kills
  16. I like the moustache avatar; and to the OP, I am not sure exactly what you are driving at...Are you telling us to go play Arma2 to reduce our ignorance or because people are bored? Most people from what I have read on these forums are fairly familiar with the game Arma 2
  17. Faceman Peck

    20 dayz ideas

    this +1
  18. Faceman Peck


    if/when the animals and beans run out, then lets come back to this one
  19. Faceman Peck

    Middle age men who play Dayz

    I love this colloqualism. beans for you
  20. Faceman Peck

    Hunger Games/Battle Royale

    hunger games is gay battle royale is the only thing that matters
  21. Faceman Peck

    In my day...

    right but youre still not really adressing your own issue...so youre butthurt by snipers?
  22. Faceman Peck

    Hackers. Hackers everywhere.

    the game is still playable and battle eye has been making an effort sorry if its not enough for you. But continue to cry if you like. and sorry but the amount of cats who are jocking Rocket and what he is or is not doing is lawl.
  23. Faceman Peck

    In my day...

    what theme and what way exactly? Since you seem to be in the know, would you mind gracing us with your articulate intelligence? If you are referring to camping in an fps thats much different that sniping in a milsim. So I am still asking...wtf exactly are you talking about? Wait no..don't tell me...someones butthurt they got killed by "camping" "snipers"
  24. Such wisdom we are all now dumber for being given (fixed)
  25. Faceman Peck

    Hunger Games/Battle Royale

    why the two are even in the same sentence is beyond me. How do you plan on doing this OP? Do you have people that are willing to connect and not leave until the game is over? How will you shrink the zones on the island and rig your players with electronic collars? How will you deal with people who partake in a battle royale who decide to log out in first hour and log back in at the end with only few surviving? How do you plan on giving each player a map, a compass, three days of food and water and a random weapon? Pray tell...