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Faceman Peck

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Everything posted by Faceman Peck

  1. Faceman Peck

    A DayZ song? Yep.

  2. Faceman Peck

    Big Foot In Dayz - READ

    would be kind of funny if Bigfoot became the Gordo of Dayz. Nothing is funnier than Gordo appearing in CS during a scrim back in the day
  3. yeah you cant beat george washington in your keyboard. But to the Op, as the mod suggessted, you can bind it to a g-key or any other key for that matter. But G key is safer because it shouldn't interfere with the regular game binds.
  4. Faceman Peck

    What map would you like to see next?

    Plus sewers and watermains..I can dig it
  5. Faceman Peck

    This is a SIMULATION, not a GAME.

    is this a suggesstion thread or a poll? Are you asking if we should remove third person altogether, or are you simply asking if this is a sim?
  6. Faceman Peck

    Underground Base.

    From my small understanding of it I thought I remember Rocket mentioning this as a way real estate gets created and then fought over. If you build a base I would imagine other players will have the option to breach it, or attack its entrance thus gaining them entry. I would assume until told otherwise, even if you build a base, assume that your stuff is never safe
  7. you crack me up so I gave you some beans to the OP...do you feel better? Do you feel by venting here given the warm responses that this will change anything? I hope the forum tea and bisbuits you received from this post fills you up enough until stand alone. I'm not saying its gonna take forever, but you gonna waiting a mighty long time....
  8. Faceman Peck

    DayZ Showdown Tournament

    so you lock it down with a password, with a potential group of hackers inside? Without a player screening process (which I can't imagine how one would do) how would this ensure security?
  9. hoe does this explain tents coming back but not the items inside them?
  10. Faceman Peck

    Tent mechanics - please clarify

    untrue, that is not 100% correct
  11. I'm sorry but thats spreading misinformation; just because there is barbed wire at a church does not mean a hacker is present. Please L2P before spreading misinformation and thank you
  12. Faceman Peck

    First Legit Kill

    my first legit kill was back in may during the mexican standoff pistol beach wars. Someone shot my friend, then shot me and as I was going down I shot him in the neck and he died too. Havn't been able to put it down since! :thumbsup: im assuming by *legit* you mean armed?
  13. I feel like the story is half told...did you shoot him or what?
  14. Faceman Peck

    DayZ Showdown Tournament

    how are you managing security?
  15. Faceman Peck

    Dark day for script-kiddies coming

    It is nice to know they are on it and Rome wasn't built in a day. Great thread OP and thanks for the update :thumbsup:
  16. Faceman Peck

    Big Foot In Dayz - READ

    yeah I heard about a chupcabra in this game but havn't seen him yet I believe.....
  17. Faceman Peck

    Things you've never found

    never found a rocket launcher or even seen a player use it
  18. Faceman Peck

    How a survivor cost me $20 bucks.

    this was a good try to the OP and a fun story to read. Next time bet him pints at the pub, by round four he'll have paid you back B) :thumbsup:
  19. Faceman Peck

    Collector's Edition Day Z (thoughts)

    hells yes fallout special edition came with a pipboy should collectors edition dayz come with a baller can of beans? suggesstions?
  20. Faceman Peck

    Just found a Heli & Ural

    Won't it come back? I say do what Oldy advised, save it, then drive it into the sea B)
  21. Faceman Peck

    I love Dayz with my DAD!!!

    Wish my old man played DayZ. Thats cool you both enjoy playing despite the scripting. This is in fact...a cool story bro :thumbsup: + :beans: for j00 mang
  22. Lets face it, soldiers have these, and we have all other gear soldiers have. I would love an adrenaline shot to get me up off the ground and running when im down to 3-4k health and have been shot/injured. Shouldn't last long and wont give me an edge, it will just turn me into a running muppet for a minute or two
  23. Faceman Peck

    Day Z mod becomes unplayable

    I have said many times in similar threads...the game is totally playable, to some the scripting makes it unenjoyable
  24. 2 days ago I was sent a youtube link that I followed to this. If you want to see it, find it yourself. If you don't believe me, keep digging in hacked item crates and see what ensues. I don't feel the need to convince you of anything.