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About calmantos

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. calmantos

    Starting COOP community on a new server

    I applied on your website, awaiting whitelisting.
  2. calmantos

    Starting COOP community on a new server

    Sign me up. Very interested in a coop community.
  3. calmantos

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Dear Rocket I spawn on the coast each time I log off. This has been going on since you launched the patch. Please pay attention and fix this bug, it is very annoying.
  4. New patch is great... cept for the fact that every time I log in I'm placed at a random spot on the beach.
  5. Use ARMA 2 Launcher, in the addons section right click addons group, make a folder and name the folder Dayz. Drag and drop @Dayz into the folder you just made. Expand the Dayz folder by clicking the + button then make sure you check off Addons/Mods/, Dayz and @dayz. Click the link to see my setup
  6. calmantos

    No Backpack spawns

    Funny, I have no problem finding a new backpack. In fact I often find many when I go into cherno. Make sure to go into the high value residences, don't give up after searching one building. I never have any trouble finding an Alice Backpack.
  7. calmantos

    Gun wont fire

    Hit r
  8. Running the new patch and I'm having this problem as well. What an annoying bug.
  9. calmantos

    Found Super Mario on DayZ

    It's a me... mario.
  10. calmantos

    Love the Zombie Fixes

    They need to add more zombies to cherno especially.
  11. Kill or be killed, otherwise people are going to push you around.
  12. calmantos

    I hate everything

    It will be good for them. They actually get to learn for and retain more.
  13. calmantos

    I hate everything

    Yeah, I agree with you there.