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Everything posted by n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

  1. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    Graphics bug. Never got it. ever

    It used to happen to me randomly in Sometimes I would join a server -> no graphics glitch -> get killed -> respawn ->graphics glitches everywhere.
  2. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    DayZ logic

    Never trust anyone enough to give them a gun unless they're your friend or you can them to talk to you via comms/third party chat programs.
  3. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    How did you kill your first victim?

    2 Winchester shots to the chest. I called out friendly so many times upon entering that firestation there was no way he didnt see it. My one and only murder to date for my main character. My private hive server characters have a few more murders due to bandit hunting.
  4. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    Rarest Item?

    Makarov. I rarely ever see that thing. Mags are plentiful but I haven't seen the pistol itself...well since they were removed from fresh spawning.
  5. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    DayZ Videos that everyone should know

    I love this video.
  6. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    Zombies are most likely the biggest threat..

    Zombies are too weak. The ONLY thing that makes them worth avoiding is that they may end up breaking your legs if you aggro them. As it stands you can simply run through a pine tree and lose any zombies aggrod to you. IMO they're needs to be more diversity in the zombies; Fast but weak. medium speed/medium health. Slow but strong. Fast ones should run fast enough to attack you whilst still running. medium should be the most common zombie and should only be able to break your leg if they surround you in a group Slow ones have a higher chance of braking legs and take longer to kill.
  7. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk


    Serves you right.
  8. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    I hate you rocket

    What I heard "Waaaaaaaaaa..........waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...I participated in an alpha test and it wasnt bug free....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....even though I could never code this myself I'm going to bash on the guy who is probably working his balls off to work on a standalone version of a mod whilst also still working on the mod itself. Waaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Edit : added extra "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" at the request of Yorkie065
  9. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    I have a question about passing out....

    well once when walking into a wooden barn i randomly fell backwards (as if i had passed out) I tried everything to get back up, but eventually had to log out. After logging in a few minutes later, I appear on the ground passed out and bleeding. I went from 9800 blood to 700 blood within 5 minutes (i believe thats how long you pass out forr) after i applied a bandage, i had 200 blood.
  10. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    Is it possible for AS50 with thermal scope to spawn in DayZ?

    It apparantley used to spawn in 1.5.x but no longer does, I would just assume that anyone that has it has either hacked it in or picked it up off a hacker.
  11. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    Explain this rocket?

    So your complaining about a hacker using a custom face and teleporting behind you, whilst playing a song through his mic? You do realise that rocket has no control over any of that. The whole reason it's going standalone is so that he can fix the problem with everyone being a trusted client, because it's clear they're are quite a few people who are not trustworthy.
  12. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    How do you normally die?

    When Dayz first came out, I remember most of my deaths being from ladders.
  13. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    [FEMA] Is now recruiting

    That's pretty much the same as hacking then. Your pretty much hacking by proxy. Finding hacked weapons on dead bodies is one thing, but having a hacker spawn them for you is really, really low. Also, I am guilty of no exploits in this game, except for that one time I accidentally duped like 500 woods into my inventory when the server lagged. If I came across a AS50 TWS in a tent, I'd take one of the spare frags in my bag and blow that thing to hell.
  14. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    Protip: How to Auto-Run (Steam Users)

    Only works for a certain period of time, once you get tired, you'll slow down to where it's more useful just to use the normal run. Also, My autorun key is the revolutionary thing...called a finger...it fits almost perfectly onto the key, as if it was designed for use by fingers. Strange, no? :P
  15. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    So, I have a Satchel Charge...

    1. Find a good place to plant bomb (barracks, firestations, churches) 2. Plant bomb. (set a 20 minute timer, just in case you die) 3. Optional - throw a bunch of flares and smoke grenades around the building. 4. Watch the explosion.
  16. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    (Voice trolling) the best camo is to look like a zombie !

    That was incredibly awesome. And I literally lost it when you said "what are you doing?" If only I could find military clothing :( Also this.
  17. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    Zombies slower

    Yes, from the looks of it they're slowed down to the same speed we run when you double tap "W".
  18. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    Weapons that you wish were in the game

    I would like the M230 chain gun, preferably attached to the fuselage of an Apache Helicopter. B) ..
  19. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    [Poll] OH NOEZ! Neighbors at my camp!

    Step one : find another tent Step two : put new tent in secure location whilst filling the old tent with tons of empty cans Step three : ?????? Step four : Profit!
  20. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    Looking for some Youtube support

    I hate you. You got me back on that MGS Music nostalgia train that I wish to avoid for as long as possible! Nice videos though.
  21. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    Hero Skin Bandits

    Love how this guy thinks a hero skin is going to make everyone think he is a friendly. Sorry to burst your bubble (wait, no Im not), but regardless of what skin you're wearing, you'll still go through the exact same threat process as everyone else and considering most newbies don't even know what the skin looks like you'll most likely still be shot at if they're given the chance. Also, In reality what you're doing now is akin to nuke boosters in Mw2. Boosting to get something just because you think people will think your a badass and treat you differently is really, really sad. It's even sadder that you do it on other individuals and then get them banned them when they get pissed off and leave because you're exploiting them.
  22. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    No longer lose items while swimming?

    It's a server side option now I believe.
  23. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    Military Flashlights.

    In relation to this thread http://dayzmod.com/f...ary +flashlight Someone stated that mil flashlights could be pinned to the shoulder now. No-one in the thread could provide solid proof. I come here today to tell you that you can do this with the military flashlight. Not only can you pin it to your shoulder, but there's 2 variations of it. One of them is simlair to a Normal Flashlight (bright, wider area of illumination) and a "red filter" which has a smaller illumination of area and, of course, a red light. I'll post the video once it's finished uploading and processing which should be around 10 mins from now. (Don't worry, I'll actually have a video unlike that "1 shot makarov brings down helicopter thread" :P)] Video is up people, Highly recommend viewing it in 720p (it was recorded at half size so it doesnt look the best)
  24. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    Spawning on coast, logging out at NWAF

    Maybe the game is trying to tell you soemthing?
  25. n_findlay14@yahoo.co.uk

    Is anyone friendly

    I'm friendly, even in cherno/elektro on high pop server. (unless you kill an unarmed player, then I will hunt you down until one of us dies)