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Everything posted by Nutrify

  1. Nutrify

    And now Im dead.

  2. Nutrify

    Food, Hunger, and hunting ... oh my!

    I think the current hunger rate while logged in is fine. It takes a couple hours before you are hungry but my only concern is while you are logged out. I feel that should be slowed but not taken out. It is a nice mechanic to have in this game.
  3. My biggest problem has been it using more food than it should. I've logged in after being logged out for the night to see myself with all green bars. If I log in again a little later another food or water is gone. Besides that it doesn't really bother me. Slowing down how much everything depletes would be nice though.
  4. Nutrify

    Logging off to avoid death

    Agreed. It could also be only if they are in "combat" (shooting or being hit by something) to avoid legitimate crashes getting people killed.
  5. Nutrify

    Logging off to avoid death

    Agreed that it should be bannable. Makes the game risk free for anyone that can alt-f4 fast enough. I put a shot into Rapira's center mass, watched him drop, then put another shot in him to only have him disconnect. I would have loved to turn into a bandit for killing a cheater.