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Posts posted by Nutrify

  1. what about if players on the floor and cant moove(hava that green watch)' date=' game script lock all keys on keyboard and player cant press ALT+F4. At old times when hackers conect to game and doing somthing people cant doing nothing because all keys are locked.


    The hourglass means you were knocked out not that the game messing up. You can't move for a reason. I am sure knowing this won't stop you from using alt-f4 at any time you get shot at without having the upper hand.

  2. A major disaster has occurred. You've been surviving for a few days on your own. You've seen groups of people but have avoided them.

    Then one day' date=' while looting a grocery store, a woman calls out. She comes in carrying her 7 year old daughter. She says that her daughter's ankle is badly broken and needs help. Her daughter is softly crying and you can tell she's suffering from a fever. You can see that the woman has a large kitchen knife tucked into a makeshift holster clearly visible on her hip.

    What do you do?

    - Provide medical aid, offer to help the woman and team up.

    - Provide medical aid, leave.

    - Give them a token amount of assistance, and leave.

    - Ignore them and leave. Probably threaten to kill them both if they follow you.

    - Take everything they have at gunpoint, leave them.

    - Take everything they have at gunpoint, THEN kill them.

    - Kill them right away and see if they had anything useful.

    - Kill the daughter in her woman's arms, and then shoot both her kneecaps. Make her watch as you rape her daughter's corpse. Put a blowtorch to the woman's face to teach her to dump her problems on you. Make her eat her flesh, then use the woman as a sex slave until she dies of infection and shock.

    People bitch about RPGs that present moral choices where you only have two choices, with the 'evil' option being the equivalent of turning you into the Hitler Youth, but look at how you morons act in-game. I'll be the 'sperging basement dweller virgins just love to think they're hardasses and would pick something from the last half of the list. People in-game pick things from the last half of the list.

    But in reality? No, you wouldn't. You know you wouldn't. You're just such an antisocial prick who has so few friends you have absolutely no understanding of human empathy. And most of you fat nerds would die trying to remember how to light a fire anyway so I hardly think your 'opinions' of how people would act in a survival situation matter, since you rejects of humanity would cull yourselves in the first week.


    Ah yes I remember being in that situation... Oh wait. Something like that has never happened. I would go with 0% of people playing this game have actually been in a situation similar to this game. Survival of the fittest. If you can't defend yourself you were dead at the start. Nice try on useing sex and the fact that she is a little girl to help your arguement.

    I will entertain you though. 1: Badly broken ankle. Likely not fixable unless you have the right medical equipment. I'll give you a hint. You won't find this stuff in a grocery store. The fact that they went to a grocery store and just simply approached the first person seems like there are different intentions.

    2: Fever. Likely infection has already set in and with out proper medical attention she will at the very least lose the leg but more likely her life.

    3: A knife in a makeshift holster. Not something the average person knows how to make or would think of a reason to make. Clearly someone who knows what they are doing when it comes to a knife.

    The daughter is as good as dead. Nothing you do will help her. Anything you do for her is a waste. The best thing you could do for her is give her a quick death. That is the sympathetic approach to that situation. "Helping her" will cause a nice slow painful death. How good of you. Never mind the mother has a knife and likely knows how to use it in self defense.

    They came to you for help so they likely have nothing to offer. Best bet would be to get out.

    ANYWAY. I've killed one person(almost killed another because he was cheating) and it was for his matches. I had been playing for a good part of the day and couldn't find any matches. So I found someone with them. This game is a what you make it kind of game. Each person has their own goals set in their head. And every person will go about them differently. If you are too afraid of interacting with other people, maybe a multiplayer game isn't for you.
