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About radarzz@hotmail.co.uk

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  1. well they changes servers cus everybody left so they left, they are in US 2779 http://gyazo.com/3f31b058200c4bd75df41de8901b7b13 They are only ones in
  2. Me too but DayZ is a great mod, i dont mind playing when theres hackers but i would like to at least help get rid of them
  3. There are 2 hackers in this server and they are killing random people, whent he people respawn they make them unconsious and take them to a room and give them axed for them to fight to the death, They put on hero skins and i am hero so if i shoot them i lose my humanity so yeh THEIR NAMES ARE: John Kimble Knollex Dunno if they prove anything, i showed them in many different places, everytime i respawn http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=94394575 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=94393820 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=94393482 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=94393404 P.S. I do not know why you deleted my post before, i guess u want more hackers to ruin ur game....
  4. radarzz@hotmail.co.uk

    Hackers in US 1695

    Please help they still in the server
  5. radarzz@hotmail.co.uk

    Hackers in US 1695

    There are 2 hackers in this server and they are killing random people, whent he people respawn they make them unconsious and take them to a room and give them axed for them to fight to the death, They put on hero skins and i am hero so if i shoot them i lose my humanity so yeh THEIR NAMES ARE: John Kimble Knollex no screen shot but check the server, idk what screenshot i could get if i manage to get one ill post it down here:\/\/\/
  6. radarzz@hotmail.co.uk

    Hackers in US 1695

    There are 2 hackers in this server and they are killing random people, whent he people respawn they make them unconsious and take them to a room and give them axed for them to fight to the death, They put on hero skins and i am hero so if i shoot them i lose my humanity so yeh THEIR NAMES ARE: John Kimble Knollex no screen shot but check the server, idk what screenshot i could get if i manage to get one ill post it down here:\/\/\/
  7. radarzz@hotmail.co.uk

    Hackers in US 1695

    There are 2 hackers in this server and they are killing random people, whent he people respawn they make them unconsious and take them to a room and give them axed for them to fight to the death, They put on hero skins and i am hero so if i shoot them i lose my humanity so yeh THEIR NAMES ARE: John Kimble Knollex no screen shot but check the server, idk what screenshot i could get if i manage to get one ill post it down here:\/\/\/
  8. radarzz@hotmail.co.uk

    Hackers in US 1695

    There are 2 hackers in this server and they are killing random people, whent he people respawn they make them unconsious and take them to a room and give them axed for them to fight to the death, They put on hero skins and i am hero so if i shoot them i lose my humanity so yeh THEIR NAMES ARE: John Kimble Knollex no screen shot but check the server, idk what screenshot i could get if i manage to get one ill post it down here:\/\/\/
  9. radarzz@hotmail.co.uk

    Hackers in US 1695

    There are 2 hackers in this server and they are killing random people, whent he people respawn they make them unconsious and take them to a room and give them axed for them to fight to the death, They put on hero skins and i am hero so if i shoot them i lose my humanity so yeh THEIR NAMES ARE: John Kimble Knollex no screen shot but check the server, idk what screenshot i could get if i manage to get one ill post it down here:\/\/\/
  10. radarzz@hotmail.co.uk

    Hackers in US 1695

    There are 2 hackers in this server and they are killing random people, whent he people respawn they make them unconsious and take them to a room and give them axed for them to fight to the death, They put on hero skins and i am hero so if i shoot them i lose my humanity so yeh THEIR NAMES ARE: John Kimble Knollex no screen shot but check the server, idk what screenshot i could get if i manage to get one ill post it down here:\/\/\/
  11. radarzz@hotmail.co.uk

    Hackers in US 1695

    There are 2 hackers in this server and they are killing random people, whent he people respawn they make them unconsious and take them to a room and give them axed for them to fight to the death, They put on hero skins and i am hero so if i shoot them i lose my humanity so yeh THEIR NAMES ARE: John Kimble Knollex no screen shot but check the server, idk what screenshot i could get if i manage to get one ill post it down here:\/\/\/