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About LtHyperion

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  1. LtHyperion

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Go into sound options and disable VON completely. As far as I know VON is only used in things like Vehicle Chat or Global Chat which are currently non-existent or non-usable in a normal way.
  2. Servers are running good as ever, come play! :)
  3. http://www.Mydayz.de just opened again.
  4. LtHyperion

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    Where can I report bugs/ suggestions? Or if nobody minds I just post it here. If you give someone a bloodbag you immediately get the humanity for that. The problem here is that the humanity gain could cause the bloodbagger to change skins and this causes the blood transfusion process to stop because it was interrupted and the bloodbag gets lost. Just had this yesterday though I got some blood from it but still not all. Simple solution would be, but the humanity gain for a bloodbag at the end of the animation/blood transfusion. Just my 2 cents. :)
  5. You might know > MyDayZ.de < from their heatmaps they posted on reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1il47b/36_million_player_movement_records_released_for/ or you even played there before. MyDayZ.de is a german/international community with a private vanilla hive where you have to register and verify your account via SMS to play. It's a complete vanilla experience, no extra vehicles, no extra buildings. They have active admins and forums. New stuff might be on its way, lets see. Backstory: In June 2013 they closed their servers down because of personal reasons, they couldn't handle all the work anymore and there wasn't anyone available to do maintenance work on the root servers etc. so they were forced to close down. Good news is they are opening again. The following DayZ Server will be back online on 25.10.2013: MYDAYZ#1 (Classic)100% vanilla DayZ Difficulty (Third-Person: ON, Crosshair: ON, Death Messages: ON)GMT-5MYDAYZ#11 (Expert)100% vanilla DayZ Difficulty (Third-Person: OFF, Crosshair: OFF, Death Messages: OFF)GMT-5More servers might be coming online depending on the demand. PS. This is no official post, I'm not a member of the Mydayz.de Staff
  6. LtHyperion

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    The zombie spawning while inside vehicles should be taken a look into. I also noticed it while driving around in a car, everytime we got through a town the frames started dropping really hard. Also I think the zombie counter is way to high, I alone spawned like 40 zombies and more at Pogorevka. If you think about it that's way too many. If everyone on a full 50 player server spawns that much zombies it's no wonder servers begin to lagg and players experience frame drops.
  7. LtHyperion

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    As far as I can tell the zombie spawn system is not very good as it is (at least performance wise). It spawns a huge amount of zombies and causes huge frame drops (for mostly everyone). I was flying around with my squad in a chopper and we literally spawned like 100 zombies. http://i.imgur.com/40TSTYi.jpg (screen was made in berezino) My fps are going down to 10fps from 40fps.
  8. * Server this happened on: DE 2987 ( * Time that it happened including your timezone: around 1:50 - 2:40 GMT+2 * What happened during the incident: Around 5 people were on the server when I was in the hospital in Cherno looting stuff when I heard the zombies outside suddenly going crazy running in my direction, miliseconds later I was shot by someone with an M4A1 SD. Some minutes later my friend who was in Berezino was shot by a guy (supposedly the same guy) with a M4A1 SD. When he respawned he was between cherno and elektro at the coast, suddenly a guy in a ghillie and with a M4A1 SD showed up in front of my friend (the guy teleported himself) doing nothing but just staying around. My friend opened the guys backpack and stole a AS50 which was in there and shot at the guy. The guy was invincible and seconds later started throwing frag grenades. My buddy died again. How we know it was Tsuna? - Because there were only 2 players on the server. We also have serverlogs, don't know if they mean anything. Time is server time (GMT-6) and the date is wrong(don't know why). 07.09.2012 17:58:38: Tsuna ( ebcdfe8328f028548c7a39edabb5e517 - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 20:4 [0,0,0] 07.09.2012 17:58:38: Tsuna ( ebcdfe8328f028548c7a39edabb5e517 - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 20:6 [0,0,0] 07.09.2012 18:00:14: Tsuna ( ebcdfe8328f028548c7a39edabb5e517 - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 20:19 [0,0,0] 07.09.2012 18:00:14: Tsuna ( ebcdfe8328f028548c7a39edabb5e517 - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 20:21 [0,0,0] 07.09.2012 18:04:27: Tsuna ( ebcdfe8328f028548c7a39edabb5e517 - #0 "GrenadeHandTimedWest" 20:77 20:19 [4840,10176,340] [25,-12,3] 07.09.2012 18:09:40: Tsuna ( ebcdfe8328f028548c7a39edabb5e517 - #0 "GrenadeHandTimedWest" 20:113 20:19 [5368,10177,297] [-9,-13,1] 07.09.2012 18:09:48: Tsuna ( ebcdfe8328f028548c7a39edabb5e517 - #0 "GrenadeHandTimedWest" 20:114 20:19 [5373,10186,296] [-4,-10,0] 07.09.2012 18:09:58: Tsuna ( ebcdfe8328f028548c7a39edabb5e517 - #0 "GrenadeHandTimedWest" 20:115 20:19 [5375,10192,296] [-13,-26,9] 07.09.2012 18:10:02: Tsuna ( ebcdfe8328f028548c7a39edabb5e517 - #0 "GrenadeHandTimedWest" 20:116 20:19 [5375,10192,296] [-4,-6,2] 07.09.2012 18:22:21: Tsuna ( ebcdfe8328f028548c7a39edabb5e517 - #0 "GrenadeHandTimedWest" 20:359 20:19 [1418,2244,7] [-10,7,4] 07.09.2012 18:28:09: Tsuna ( ebcdfe8328f028548c7a39edabb5e517 - #0 "GrenadeHandTimedWest" 20:363 20:19 [8891,2144,13] [2,-14,4]
  9. Same problem on DK10(I'm not the owner). My tents worked for around 2 days after I placed them, after these 2 days everytime the server restarted the tents were resetted to a former status. Server: 95885 / Me: 95948 /
  10. LtHyperion

    Mk 48 Mod 0 (camo)

    It does. It says camo in its name like in the topic title. So I assume it's hacked in. I will just get rid of it since I have no use for it because it just wastes the backpack slot.
  11. LtHyperion

    Mk 48 Mod 0 (camo)

    Simply question, is this a real existend weapon ingame? I looted this weapon from a guy I shot some days ago but never used it since it replaced both my primary weapon slot and backpack slot. I told my friends about it because I thought it is a bug, they told me that the Mk 48 Mod 0 usually only needs the weapon primary slot. After mentioning that it is the camo version one of them replied that it is a hacked weapon. So is it or not? greetings
  12. LtHyperion

    [1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast

    If you have and try to join on a server with you will be stuck in the loading screen and after joining on another server you will spawn at some of the various new player spawns. Happened to me yesterday. I have not updated to yet so I don't know if this is the case if you try to join on a server.
  13. Date/Time: 11.08.2012 23:30 (timezone Berlin) What happened: Basically what it says in the title. When I equip the Mk 48 Mod 0 it drops my backpack. Since I couldn't find anything on the net about this I assume it's a bug. Where you were: Not relevant, happens anywhere. What you were doing: Equipping the Mk 48 Mod 0 as primary weapon.
  14. Our server has the same problem, it seems to be a frequently "bug" in the last time. Just got our Server ~4 Days ago, everytime we are rebooting/restarting the server everything is resetted. If you restart again after the first time just Bicycles, Motorcycles and Busses will show up where you left them, tents themself seem to be not resetable though they are often empty. Maybe setting the server to version will fix the problem, I don't know. Lets hope 1.7.3 comes soon.